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The scene start showing to be some kind of a bank. Then suddenly explosions happened. It reveal to be some sinners who are running out of the building carrying a bad of money. They then began to head to the car.

Sinner 1: "Get into the car!" He said.

The few Sinners got into the car. One of the sinner began to drive away. As they drive away they began to get chase by the cops.

Sinner 2: "Shit! the cops is gaining on us!" He yelled.

Sinner 3: "I got it." He said.

Then the sinner began to pull out a drum gun and began to head out of the window and began to fire. After a few minutes, they finally manage to escape.

Sinner 1: "Finally! We we lost them. Now we can head back to our hideout." He said.

Then the scene change revealing to be some kind of abandoned warehouse. Then the tone car began to park. The few sinners began to head out of the car. They began to carry the bag full of money they stole. They began to head inside. As they head inside there were more sinners. Some of them is playing poker. Some of them them poker. And some of them is taking a nap.

Sinner 4: "Let me guess, you guys went another bank rob?" He asked.

Sinner 3: "Sure did and we got a lot of shit ton of money." He said as he laugh.

Sinner 5: "It getting boring here. While you guys have a fun. We on the other hand have to wait our turn. It fucking boring!" He said.

Sinner 8: "May I remind you that we can risk our hideout to be discover?" He said.

Sinner 5: "I know but still though." He said

Sinner 1: "Oh shut the fuck up." He said.

Until the lights began to flicker.

Sinner 10: "Why did the lights flicker?" He asked.

Sinner 9: "It probably just the electricity." He said.

Then the lights began to turn off.

Sinner 13: "What the fuck?! I was about to win the jackpot!" He said.

Sinner 15: "Relax everyone, I check the power." He said.

He then began to walk outside. He then began to head to the fuse box.

Sinner 15: "Hopefully he would shut up about winning poker." He said.

He then began to open it. However he began surprise that the wires was cut.

Sinner 15: "What the hell? Why is the-

But he was cut off by something, something then burst into the sinner chest. The sinner slowly look down revealing to be some kind of a metal hand who punch through him in the chest. Then the metal hand began to pull back as the sinner began to fall tot he ground dead. Then the scene change revealing to be everyone in the where house.

Sinner 13: "When he going to fix the goddamn box?" He asked angrily.

Sinner 20: "Will you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep." He said trying to take a nap.

Sinner 3: "Can't I at least get a vacation off." He said.

They then began to hear the door open. They turn around to see no one. However the door was open.

Sinner 4: "What the fu-

But he was cut off as he began to get punch in the face.

Everyone turn around and saw some kind of hellhound who is wearing some kind of purple costume.

Sinner 11: "Who the fuck are you?!" He asked.

The person didn't replied as he began to punch him in the face. Then everyone began to charge at him.

(Author note: "Pretend this is just the fight scene nothing more)

Then mysterious person manage to defeat all the guys. Before he could grab the money. He began to kill them off one by one so they don't get up. However he then began to hear someone waking up.

Sinner 20: "Huh? What happened?" He asked.

Then the sinner began to see what happened he became shock as the whole room became a bloodbath. He then spot the person who kill them.

Sinner 20: "What the fuck?!" He asked as he began to pull out the gun.

But before he could pull it out. He was stop as the person began to pin him to the wall.

Sinner 20: "(terrified) W-Who the fuck are you?!" He asked.

Prowler: ".....Prowler." He said a she began to kill him.

He then grab the money as he left the building. Before he left the building. He place the bomb at the abandoned warehouse. The bomb went off as the whole building explode. Then the scene change revealing to be some kind of a hospital. It reveal to be some kind of half human and half female hellhound nurse

 It reveal to be some kind of half human and half female hellhound nurse

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She is with the patient. The patient is reveal to be some kind of hellhound child who have cancer. The female hellhound look worry. Until something swoop by the window. She turn around revealing to be a bag of money. She become shock as said.

M/N: "H-How?" She asked shocked.

She then began to look at the window. But she doesn't saw anything. But she doesn't want to waste her time look as she need to treat her patients. Then out the window. It reveal to be the Prowler who is standing on the rooftop.

Prowler: "I love to do something bad but also do something good." He said as he began to walk away.


Too be continued

Prowler Male Reader x Loona and BeelzebubWhere stories live. Discover now