Queen Bee Part 2

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The scene start revealing to be Y/N who is looking confused. Because he is seeing some drunk imp who is chugging up. Until he heard a female voice who is calling out Blitz name. It reveal to be Loona.

Y/N: "Loona you know who he is?" He asked.

Loona: "Yeah, he is my dad, I mean adopted dad. I change my mind so I going to stay." She said.

Y/N: "Wait you were about to leave? Why?" He asked.

Loona: "It.... It nothing alright. But I decide to stay here and Blitz is now chugging the shit up." She said.

Y/N: "Alright, I guess we should cheer for him." He said.

Loona: "Yeah I guess so." She said with a little blush.

Then they began to cheer as the Blitz about to finish the another while the two hellhound is holding him by the legs as he drinking. Blitz then land onto the ground as he finish. Then every hellhound began to howl.

Drunk Blitz: "HA! That was nothing bitch! Give me a real challenge!" He said.

Then Beelzebub came from behind him while she is holding a chicken leg.

Beelzebub: "Oh yeah? Wanna fucks with the big bitch imp boy? I got a challenge for ya." She said as she poke Blitz with the chicken leg and then eat it.

Then another hellhound appear.

Y/N: "Hold on, I'm going to join too." He said.

It made everyone surprise including Beelzebub and Blitz.

Beelzebub: "(surprise) you going to join too?" She asked.

Y/N: "Yeah, and besides this going to be fun." He said.

BF/N Offscreen: "That my boy!" He said.

Beelzebub: "Well this is going to be interesting~" she said.

Vikki: "Oh, they gonna die." She said.

Then the scene change revealing to be Vortex who holding three yellow kegs.

Vortex: "Aaaalright, let's do this! (Puts the kegs down) From Bee personal stash, the hardest shot there is." He said.

Vortex then went to Y/N and Blitz.

Vortex: "You ready my man's?" He said.

Drunk Blitz: "OH BORN READY." He said as he went to the keg.

Y/N: "I starting to think he getting too drunk." He said.

Blitz then try to open the keg.

Blitz: "Bring it, barky! I will drink you under this fucking table you have no idea what kind of night I've had." He said.

Then the three kegs began to float. It reveal to be Beelzebub who is using her power.

Beelzebub: "(laughs) all right, shit talker, but there hasn't been a soul yet who can beat me at my own game. So, you two better bring the fire, baby." She said.

Drunk Blitz: "Oh, is Queen Bee too scared to lose to a little imp like me?" He asked.

Y/N: "And a hellhound." He said.

Beelzebub: "Oh, okay. Let's get it on, you little bastards!" She said.

Vortex then give a signal for the contest to begin. Then the three began to start chugging. However Y/N starting to think that he can't win this. However the crowd began to cheer as Loona began to cheer for Y/N and Blitz.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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Prowler Male Reader x Loona and BeelzebubWhere stories live. Discover now