Queen Bee Part 1

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The scene start showing to be to be Y/N who is taking a nap. He was exhausted from being the prowler last night, but it was worth it. So right now he is fast  asleep. However the alarm clock began to go off. Y/N is starting to get up and have his face annoyed.

Y/N: "I really need some sleep. But unfortunately, I have things to do." He said.

Y/N then began to get up. Y/N began to head into the bathroom to take a shower. After he took a shower, he began to get out and brush his teeth. After he brush his teeth, he began to get dress and head to the kitchen. He about to make himself some coffee. Until he began to get a phone. It reveal to be his best friend calling. He answer it and said.

Y/N: "Hello?" He asked.

BF/N: "Hey man, how you sleep?" He asked.

Y/N: "I sleep okay." He said.

BF/N: "Their something I want to tell you something." He said.

Y/N: "What is it?" He asked.

BF/N: "I got a call from Tex saying his best friend is throwing another party? You wanna come?" He asked.

Y/N: "I don't know man, I got something I need to do." He said.

BF/N: "What kind of work." He said.

Y/N: "I have to do some work out." He said.

BF/N: "Really man, you barley been any party. And besides the party is going to be big today." He said.

Y/N: "Alright, I guess I could take a break. And besides, yesterday was tiring since I have to stay up until 3AM." He said.

BF/N: "Why the hell you stay up that early." He said.

Y/N: "That because I was watching movies that I lost the time." He lied.

BF/N: "Alright, see you there." He said.

Y/N: "Alright bye." He said.

BF/N: "Bye." He said as he hung up.

Y/N: "A party huh? Well I wasn't lying taking a break so I guess I could go. And besides I wonder how Tex is." he said to himself.

Then the scene change revealing to be Y/N and BF/N is at the ring of gluttony.

BF/N: "Welp, we here." He said.

Y/N: "Well what are we waiting for? Let head inside." He said.

Then the two began to head inside. They became amazed how everyone is here.

Y/N: "I know the party is big but not that big." He said.

BF/N: "Well, let party!" He said.

BF/N began to party with the others. Y/N then began to walk around to see what he going to do. But he then ran into someone by accident.

Y/N: "Oh sorry." He said.

He then turn around and saw a female hellhound with a red dress.

He then turn around and saw a female hellhound with a red dress

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Prowler Male Reader x Loona and BeelzebubWhere stories live. Discover now