We Take Flight With Apollo

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I walked out of the tent and around the area. The Hunters were doing chores, and I couldn't find Thalia or Reyna.

I walked around more and my eyes fell on Reyna. She was cleaning up... something and putting it into her bag.

"Uh... where is everyone?"

Reyna looked up and gave a small sigh. "Tyler and Devin went to go get some food. Thalia took the girls somewhere over there." She said pointing off. "Bexter went with the girls too."


"Anytime... and... you're not from Camp Jupiter?"

I looked at Reyna and shook my head. "No."

"You're not sure?"


Reyna rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

"Greeks." She mumbled under her breath.

I rolled my eyes and walked off to where she pointed. I found Thalia and Nika, who were having a neat conversation about how their lives sucked from a drunk parent. Thalia's mom, and Nika's dad. 

"Uh... sorry to interrupt but where's Astraea?"

Thalia pointed up to a tree and I saw Astraea and Lura sitting together. Astraea held Lira in her arms as Lura just cried.



I turned around to see Bexter as he looked down. He gave a smile and chuckled to himself.

"That girl is kind and very persuasive, and that's coming from someone with sisters that charmspeak." Bexter said with a smile.

"Tell me about it."

Thalia rolled her eyes but gave a smile. "True. I can just tell from the way she stands. Very much Apollo. Just so you know, Artemis has called him, telling him to pick you up."

"Fine by me." I said folding my arms.

Bexter gave a huff and rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Astraea and Lura walked over and Lura gave Bexter a big hug. He smiled and gave her a hug back as she kept saying, "Thank you."

I looked to Astraea who grabbed my hand and started walking off. I rolled my eyes and smiled and followed her. We walked into the woods for a second before we stopped. Astraea sat down and I sat down with her.

"So, what was that about?"

Astraea gave a small smile. "I've been talking with Lura a lot. She's like the sister I never had. Her dad is dead and she didn't  know what to do. She didn't want to stay at camp or go to foster care... so, I invited her to stay with me— with Bexter's approval of course."

I gave a smile to her and shook my head. "You're one nice girl."

"I try."

I gave a smile and Astraea about a hand on my cheek and kissed me. 

"Happy Birthday."

"It's my birthday?"


I gave a small smile and kissed her back. She pushed me away after a second and shook her head.

"You need to shave."

"Why? I like it!"

"I don't." 


"So?! Cole, do you seriously think that I'm going to like it?" She asked folding her arms.

I bit my lip and gave a fake smile. "Yes."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "You're such an idiot Hercules."

"That's because I'm your idiot Golden Girl."

Astraea gave a smile and pulled her guitar out from nowhere.

"How did you—?!"

"I've had it on my shoulder the whole time."

"Really? I feel like you're lying."

"Well I'm not."

She started to play some and I smiled and put my head on her shoulder.

"Brother," Artemis said coldly. "You do not help my Hunters. You do not look at, talk to, or flirt with my Hunters. And you do not call them sweetheart."


Artemis nodded and kept walking over.

Apollo walked with his usual swagger and had his hair up in a man bun. He put his sunglasses on his shirt, and looked at us.

Devin was standing close to Lura while Tyler and Nika were planning a prank. 

"You must go... father is mad." Artemis said firmly.

"Why is Zeus mad?" Devin asked.

"He always is." Apollo said rolling his eyes. "Right now he's in his 'let's destroy Camp' faze."


Artemis nodded and I started.

"Why didn't you say anything."

"Because I saw it was a good idea not to worry you demigods. Especially you two." She said pointing to Astraea and I.

She had a small point.

"So why is Zeus mad?" Astraea asked.

"Because you did what he asked." Apollo huffed. "The whole flame thing... he also just had a HEATED argument with Hera."

Artemis gave a shudder to the name as Apollo nodded in agreement.

"Anyways let's go!"

Apollo led us all to his Sun Chariot and Bexter huffed in disapproval.  Apollo turned around as his eyes fell on Bexter. 

"How is my dear Elisabeth?"

"Fine, she has me."

The men glared at each other. There was jealousy in Apollo's eyes as he looked at Bexter's wedding ring. 

"Who's ready to fly?" Apollo finally said. 

We all have a forceful nod, knowing there was no turning back. He led us to his chariot and it somehow had enough room. We got into the air and Thalia, Reyna, and Artemis waved to us goodbye.

Wind on our faces was cold and crisp. Apollo looked at Devin and Astraea and asked, "Devin, your not of age, so is it okay if I ask Astraea something?"

"Um sure?"

"Astraea! Come here!" 

She stood up and walked over to the rains her father held, and he handed them to her. He told Astraea what all the motions did and Astraea seemed to be listening. 

She started to drive the Sun Chariot nervously and I gave a smile. We came by a large mountain and Apollo told her to go by it.

A mountain goat appeared over the top and screamed.

We all yelled and Apollo grabbed the rains and tugged away.

We all flung to the side.

I looked at my Apollo who's face was full of fear. He turned and looked at us.

"IF I EVER SEE THAT GOAT AGAIN... the conversation will be four words! And it won't be GOAT!" He said angrily.

I knew what he meant by that.

Suddenly the feeling of that Apollo was just barely mad came over me. Zeus was the king of the gods. His fury is a storm.

We had to get back to camp.

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