You two get closer again!

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After dinner, your parents leave along with your brothers, Morgan smiles and gets you and Indigo a ice cream sundae each, "so how long where you married? As you look at him "3 years, he got deployed right after we find out I was pregnant, and he dead 2 months ago, so I was 2 months pregnant and I become a widow and expecting mother in two months time after her husband left for war, Chase didn't want kids he was scared this exact situation would happen, I guess my son will not meet his father" as Morgan shakes his head "no but the guy you get with down the road will be that little boy dad and he will care and love him as his own if he loves and cares for you and wants to be with you, you and your son are a package deal" as you smile at him "i hope so" as he says "hi its the truth, its the same with me and Indigo" as you smile at him them Indigo "yep but your little boy is a heartthrob like his daddy, my is going to be raised by a single mother in myself" as he smiles "hi your a beautiful woman and your son is going to be raised by an amazing woman" as you smile big at him.

As Indigo say "Miss Harley, my Daddy and me are a package deal and we want to be in your guys life please? As you smile big "you and your Daddy will most definitely be in our lives" as he smiles big, as you wrip his face and get some of the ice cream off, as Morgan smiles and says "will you come tomorrow night to my gig please? As you look up at him and nod your head Yes what time was it again? Indigo smiles "8 to 10 pm miss Harley" as you smile at Indigo "alright ill meet you at the bar" as Morgan smiles "yeah I'll be there tomorrow around 7 pm " as you nod your head at him. You two make plans to meet at the bar around 7:15 tomorrow night. As you and Indigo finish up your ice cream sundae's. Then you three head out, he places Indigo in his car seat in the back of his truck, as Indigo smiles and says bye to you as you smile big at him and say bye to him, as Morgan says "can I get your number tomorrow night at the show? As you nod your head and lean over and kiss his cheek light "yep then you wave bye to Indigo and go to your mom's SUV, and head home to your parents house where you are staying in their pool house until after you give birth and everything is finalized with the Army from Chase death, you can get a house and little man will be set financially for a long time, you get back home and your dad checks on you, "you know your brother didn't know you had told them yet right? As you smile at your dad "it's alright dad I know, not many people know about me being pregnant or that I was married three months ago" as he nods his head at you "so Morgan Cole Wallen, that boy you had the major crush on during middle and highschool, you teach his son? As you nod your head at your dad "yep and dad, Morgan and Indigo said they are a package deal and want to be in my and little man's life" as he smirks "good they are a package deal just like you and little man will be too" as you hug your dad goodnight then you turn in for the night, next morning you are up getting ready for the day.

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You go inside your parents house and have breakfast with your parents, and your siblings, then you are meeting up with Cheyenne and Daisy for a few hours, you are going to do some baby shopping

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You go inside your parents house and have breakfast with your parents, and your siblings, then you are meeting up with Cheyenne and Daisy for a few hours, you are going to do some baby shopping. You three do some shopping then you head back to the house, your mom has your brothers to help you with your bags, then you go to your house in the backyard, you use the bathroom and then go back inside your parents house, your mom makes you something to drink, you let your brother know Cheyenne wants him to call her this evening around 7 pm, they need to talk about Daisy's next two week schedule, as he smirks, you drink up then your dad gives you his truck keys and you head to the bar but you will stop and get something to eat for dinner before you meet up with Morgan at 7 pm. You go through Chick-fil-A and get you some dinner, you go to the park and eat then you head the bar for the show, Morgan spend time with Indigo then he drop him off at his parents house for the night, he will pick him from church tomorrow morning. You get to the bar at 7 and park in a spot, then you go and Morgan is with the owner his cousin, Morgan is setting up and sees you walk in and smiles "hi darlin" as you walk over to them, "hi you two" as the owner smiles "omg Harley how have you been ? As you smile at him "I have been good Paul, how have you been? As he smirks and says "I have been good, I was sorry to hear about your husband Chase a few months ago darling? As you smile softly at him "thanks Paul, i appreciate it, but im carrying our son so a piece of Chase will always live on in our son" as he nods his head "yep a piece of him and you came together to make that little boy your carry and you will take care of for his life" as you agree with paul 💯 plenty. As Paul Ozzy is the same age as your older brother. Paul goes and gets you a chair, you thank him and you relax while Morgan sets up for the gig in the hour.

To be continued!

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