Your date with Morgan and Indigo!

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After lunch, Morgan takes you to your parents house and drops you off, he lets you know him and Indigo will be back around 6 to get you for dinner, as you nod your head and he says dress casual and comfortable, as you smile at him and kiss Indigo's forehead lightly, Then you go inside your parents house. You hangout with parents and brothers until you go out to your pool house, to get ready for your date with Morgan and Indigo,

 You hangout with parents and brothers until you go out to your pool house, to get ready for your date with Morgan and Indigo,

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You got ready for your dinner are with Morgan and Indigo, as you go back into the main house with your family, your dad smiles at you and says "you look beautiful babygirl" as you smile at him "thanks Dad" as your mom comes in from the kitchen "yo...

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You got ready for your dinner are with Morgan and Indigo, as you go back into the main house with your family, your dad smiles at you and says "you look beautiful babygirl" as you smile at him "thanks Dad" as your mom comes in from the kitchen "your dad is right babygirl, you look beautiful, are you excited for your date with Morgan? As you smile at her "Morgan and Indigo mom, they are a package deal just like me and my little fella, they even help with the names today at lunch, indigo had one request through he wants the baby last name to be like his" as your dad smiles "I have no problem with that as long as yours is too eventually" as you smile at him "I think Morgan has his mind already set on giving the baby and me his last name sooner then later" as your mom and dad both smile at you "good, we want to know those names you three have decided on" as you smile and say "okay but Morgan and indigo have to be here to help with explain the names, so after dinner tonight" as your parents agree with that. A few minutes later Morgan and Indigo arrive and come to the front door to get you, Morgan is carrying Indigo in his arms as your dad goes to open it and smiles at them,"good evening Morgan and Indigo, you two boys taking my daughter and future grandson out to dinner, she said you help with the name? As Indigo smiles oh yes we did baby brother has three awesome names Mama Bear just has to decide on what one she wants for baby brother, how are you doing sir? As your dad smiles at Indigo "I'm good my boy come on in, as Morgan smiles and him and Indigo walk in. You smile at them as Morgan smiles and walks over to the couch and helps you up "you look amazing, are you and baby bean ready to go? As you smile and grab indigo from him "yep but we got to tell my parents the names we have got picked out for the baby when we return" as Indigo smiles "why wait Mama Bear we can tell them now" as you look at Morgan who smiles and says "he loves you, and we where watching tv and he saw a little boy call his future stepmom mama bear until she becomes his stepmom so no one got upset with their relationship, but he knows at school your still Miss Harley" as you smile at him then Indigo "so I'm Mama Bear huh ? As Indigo smiles big "yes but Miss Harley at school if that's alright with you? As you nod your head "yes I'm good with it, so Daddy is Papa Bear, your Little bear and little brother is Baby Bear? As he nods his head "yep so can we tell Grandma and Grandpa names we have picked out? As you smile at Indigo "go ahead my Little Bear" as he smirks " we got three picked out Cash Hunter Wallen, Ford Maverick Wallen and Tucker Memphis Wallen" as your dad smiles at them "oh i love them my favorite is Ford Maverick Wallen, as your mom smiles "i like Cash Hunter Wallen" as you smile at them.

As Morgan smiles at your parents and says "I like all of them and whatever one Harley chooses I'm behind" as you smile at him as your dad nods his head and you let your parents you three are heading out, you will be back later, as they smile and you three head out to Morgan's truck and towards the restaurant for dinner, Morgan puts Indigo in his carseat and then you get in and he goes around and gets in himself, as he drives you all to the restaurant, he smirks and says "so I'll be gone for a few weeks in two weeks time, so Kate will be there Indigo, i got to meet with my agents and work on some last minute details for the Next Tour but just like I call Indigo I'll call you and Baby Bear everynight alright Mama Bear" as you smile at him "alright, do you think Kate will let me keep Indigo one weekend? As he nods his head, I'll talk to her then let you know, I'm pretty sure she will, she likes you, and she and her boyfriend Ray could use that weekend for themselves, what you got plan for you two? As you smile at him "I can't tell you with him in the truck, but I'll tell you later on thought" as he laughs and takes you all to the restaurant.

To be continued!

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