Morgan and you have dinner together at his house

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Next Morning you are up and in your bathroom getting ready for your day at work,

Next Morning you are up and in your bathroom getting ready for your day at work,

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You go to get some breakfast on your way to the school, you get a smoothie and a blueberry muffin, then head into work

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You go to get some breakfast on your way to the school, you get a smoothie and a blueberry muffin, then head into work. You arrive at work and begin your day, all the kids arrive and the day begins finally. A few hours later you are leaving the school and heading towards Morgan's house, you call Morgan before you get there and ask if he needs anything and he laughs and says "no darling, I'm good I got dinner from Mike's steak house, I was on the phone with Indigo, I'll get him back tomorrow evening, as you giggle and you let him know you will be there in a few minutes, he says he will be waiting for you in his pouch, you two hangup and you continue to his house, a few minutes later, you arrive at house, he is on the pouch, you park your car and get out, you walk towards his front door and him.

He smirks and holds a hand out for you as you smile and take it and you two go inside his place, he shows you around the place then takes you upstairs to the rooms and shows you his, indigo and a empty one, "my mom said this one can be the new baby nursery, she said you and her can go get everything you need to make it his, and my room our room" as you smile at him and then you two head downstairs to the kitchen. He grabs you a glass and he's you some ice water, "so indigo said he helped with his baby brother name, but I think it was a family effort, but I'll let him think his choice was the decision" as you giggle and say "Ford Maverick is a very lucky fella he has an amazing big brother in indigo, and a very amazing man to Father in you and i appreciate what you are doing Morgan, you don't have to but you are so thank you" as he smirks and says "no problem Mama Bear, we are all a package deal now, me and indigo love You and Ford" as makes you seat down at the table and goes over and gets the plates and brings them over and places them on the table, he joins you and you two say grace, then digs in to the food.

You two talk and eat, he smiles and says "so tomorrow I get Indigo back after school, do you want come over tomorrow evening and have dinner with us maybe stay the night and we can go over some ideas for Ford's nursery" as you smile and say "sure I could pick something up for dinner tomorrow night on my way over" as he smirks and says "yeah that works" as you smile and you two keep talking and enjoying each other's company. A few minutes later he cleans up your plates and cups, then you two head to the living-room, and seat down on the couch and he turns on the tv and finds something to watch, he wraps his arm around you and you two begin to watch. He smirks and likes all this stuff that he is doing with you, he can't believe you are finally his girl, he has a son and your giving him another one that he is going to treat just like his. He pulls against his chest and holds you as you two watch the movie, he kisses your forehead lightly and you two enjoy the movie, a few hours later he picks you up and carries you upstairs to his room and you two turn in for the night, you set your alarm for work tomorrow morning, he is meeting up with your brothers and dad for lunch to talk about you and baby bean moving in with him and Indigo before you get to far along with Ford. You two sleep in each other's arms and next morning you are up and in his bathroom getting ready for work,

 You two sleep in each other's arms and next morning you are up and in his bathroom getting ready for work,

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Morgan is on the phone with his mom

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Morgan is on the phone with his mom. When you come downstairs all ready for school, he leans over and kisses your lips lightly while you go get some hot tea in his kitchen. He ends the call with his mom and comes and helps you with your hot tea, he said he would bring you lunch after he meets up with your dad and brothers. You smile and he kisses your lips passionately then you head out and to work. He showers and gets ready for the day. He misses you already and you have only been gone for a few minutes,

he gets ready then he heads out and to the store to get some stuff for this coming weekend with you, baby bean and Indigo

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he gets ready then he heads out and to the store to get some stuff for this coming weekend with you, baby bean and Indigo. A few hours later you and indigo are heading to Morgan's house you signed out Indigo from school, you two are heading to Morgan's house, you two stop by your house and picked your overnight bag. You two arrive at the house and go in, Morgan is there with with his mom they moved some stuff around after his lunch with your dad and brothers. Indigo runs over and hugs his Grandma, Morgan walks over to you and kisses your cheek, "how was your day? As you smile big and says "it was good, the principal said you put me on indigo's signed out list, thank you I appreciate it and we had fun coming here didn't we Indigo? As Indigo smiles "yes Mama Bear we did" as his mom smiles and you waves at her as she says "next weekend, we will go shopping for everything you need for nursery here, sweetheart" as you nod your head at her and agrees to all that, "can my mom join us? As she nods her head and say "yes sweetheart" as you smile big and she grabs her bag and jacket and leaves you, baby bean, Indigo and Morgan to enjoy your weekend together.

To be continued!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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