Chapter 18: The Truth About Padfoot

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Harley's raging fever was raging more and more. Professor McGonagall requested Professor Snape to check if this was the cause of Dark Magic but no. If it was, then Professor Snape did a pretty bang up job pretending to be surprised that even this case was not familiar to him.

A few days after the start of Harley's fever, Seth was already out of the infirmary. Harley showed no signs of waking up from her unconscious state, and from the looks of her fever, it would be a miracle if she would wake up any time soon.

Padfoot would always sleep by her side and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would take turns coming to the Infirmary and feed Padfoot, who wouldn't even leave Harley's side unless he had to go about his "business".

 The search for Sirius Black was still strong and everyone was given precautions to never leave the school grounds unless with escorts, to lessen the likeliness of an incident similar to Harley's. 

A few weeks have passed and Madame Promfry did everything she could to keep Harley nourished through her unconscious state.

Although Harley was unconscious throughout a number of weeks, she was sort of living in a dream......

"Beware, dangers lurk in all corners........." a voice echoed. And Harley tried to find the source of the voice.

Just then, 2 smokey figures appeared right in front of her. 

"Harley! My daughter!" the woman said as she hugged Harley. "Mum? Dad?"

The couple looked at Harley and smiled. "Harley, we're here to tell you that you and your brother aren't as safe as you think you are. Be careful." Lily said. "You have taken good care of Padfoot, that's good. He can help you a lot... And maybe it's time you tell Harry the truth about Padfoot." James said. 

Lily caressed Harley's face. "You have been unconscious for quite some time, Harley. Maybe you should give Madame Promfry a break from her agitated state, hm?" Lily smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead and so did James. 

"Just wake up, won't you, Harley?" James instructed and with that, Harley's parents returned to smoke. The last to whisp away were their smiling eyes. She couldn't say anything. She didn't even say goodbye. She wanted to cry, closing her eyes and kept them shut for a long moment and when she opened her eyes, she saw Harry. 

She was back at the infirmary. 

"H-Harry?" Harley's voice was coarse after being unconscious. "You're awake!" Harry hugged his sister. 

"Harry? I-I saw Mum and Dad..." Harley's voice trailed as Harry looked at her in shock.

Harley, Harry, Hermione, and Ron were the only ones in the common room. It was quite late, no one should be here at this hour.

Harley took a deep breath and patted Padfoot on the top of his head. And then, Padfoot seemed to grow in front of their very eyes. He grew and grew until he looked like a man. 

"Th-th-th-that's----" Hermione couldn't even finish the sentence. 

"Sirius Black!" Ron shouted. 

Harry grabbed Harley and they backed away to the opposite side of the room. 

"Wait!" Harley shouted at the three who were pointing their wands at Sirius. "He's not going to kill us!" Harley said as she walked up to Sirius. 

"Harley! What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Ron and Harry yelled. 

"He's not dangerous, he's far from that," Harley said, "Now put your wands down and sit on the sofa," she demanded.

"Why is Sirius Black your pet dog!?" Ron demanded. Everyone was stiff and keeping watch of the man who was sitting on the chair. 

"It's-it's a long story," Harley sighed and looked at Sirius, "Care to tell them?"

Sirius sat up straight, "I am not the monster you think I am--" 

"Then why were you sent to Azkaban?" Harry demanded.

It was a long talk, no one relaxed any muscle in their body except for Harley and Sirius. 

"When Sirius escaped from Azkaban, he went to Hogwarts. That's when I found him, in the forbidden forest. I talked to Dumbledore about it and when he heard Sirius' side of the story, Dumbledore knew that Sirius was innocent and allowed him to act as my pet." Harley explained.

"So he's an Animagus," Hermione said more to herself than anyone, really.

"So who killed all those people in the street?" Ron demanded once again.

"It was---"

"Children? Why are you still up so late?" Professor McGonagall's voice filled the room. Sirius quickly formed to his animagus. 

"We were just finishing some work and helping Harley with her studies Professor," Harry said. Professor McGonagall looked at them and scanned the room to see if there was something odd, but nothing looked concerning to her. 

"Ms. Potter! Has Madame Pomfrey come to check on you? I suggest you continue to rest, go back to your dormitory," she said and left. That was the end of the conversation.

Harley wanted to say one more thing and grabbed Harry's arm. "Wait, um, you also need to know that... uh... Sirius is also our godfather."

"Does she know anything?" A weak voice said.

"N-no. I don't think so, my Lord." Another voice, a younger male voice said.

"She better not. She still might be looking for the amulet. Why did you give it to her in the first place?"

"I-i just wanted to know if the Amulet would be cooperative with her."

"Fool! When the wrong time comes and she gets a hold of this amulet, she could do anything! All would be ruined! Do you understand?"

"Ye-yes, my Lord."

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