Chapter 2: A Bewitching Surprise

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Chapter 2: A Bewitching Surprise

The next day, the first day of summer, Harley heard footsteps and a knock on the door. She looked around to see no Brittany. Ms. Madel opened the door and she looked smitten, "Harley, dear, you have a visitor," she smiled. The crabby mistress never called Harley "dear", she must have been really smitten. 

Ms. Madel let an old man enter, judging by the color and length of his hair, beard, and mustache, this man might be ancient! "Would it be alright if I get to talk to Miss Harley in private?" the ancient man said as Ms. Madel flushed and took hold of the doorknob. 

"Oh, of course," she said. 

"Thank you, Nora," the man said and Ms. Madel smiled before closing the door. So they're on the first name basis, Harley can't help but smirk, maybe Nora doesn't have to wait for a suitor any longer now

The man sat on the desk chair which was positioned with the desk near the end wall, in the middle of the two girls' beds. "May I ask who you are?" Harley blurted out without thinking about it and wondered if she said it in an offensive way. 

"You have all the right in the world to ask me who I am, young lady," Professor Dumbledore assured Harley as if he read her mind. "I am Professor Albus Dumbledore," the man introduced himself. 

"Should I introduce myself as well? " Harley asked as she fiddled with her fingers. 

"You don't have to, Harley," Dumbledore said and Harley looked at the man. "Are you my grandfather?" she couldn't help but ask the silly question but looked down quickly in embarrassment. 

"Sadly, I am not, dear, but I am just like you in a sense and you are like me in a sense as well," Dumbledore explained. Harley seemed upset but was still curious about what the old professor had said about how they were alike.  

"What do you mean by what you said Professor?" she asked. 

"Well, have you experienced anything out of the ordinary? Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Well, strange things have happened..."

"Can you tell me these strange instances?" Professor Dumbledore asked and Harley felt like she could trust him with all the strange things she was about to say. 

"When Ms. Madel cut off my bangs too short, the night afterward, my hair was back to its length before it was cut."

"Mmm," the Professor replied and motioned her to continue.

"There's this boy named Collin here and he has these pet tarantulas, you see, and when he pulled a prank on me. On the same night, while I was about to get back at him, I saw the tank filled with tarantulas and thought whether I should use it for my prank, and when I looked back at the tank, they weren't there; they were crawling over the sleeping Collin. So I ran back here to my room before anyone caught me, but I swear, Professor, I have no idea how that happened."

Professor Dumbledore held a calm composure as he spoke. "Do you know why these things happen?" Harley then shook her head to a no. 

"It's because," he paused and looked at the door and snapped one slim middle finger and thumb together and the door lock immediately shut itself. Harley was shocked but returned her attention to the professor. " You are just like me, a wizard," he said. He looked at the overwhelmed Harley. 

"But before we get to that, you have the right to know who you and your family are!" Dumbledore said with a jolly tone. 

"You know my family?" Harley, for a moment, forgot what the ancient professor just said a second ago about being a witch. She has a family! 

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