Chapter 5: Aunt Marge, The Parade Balloon

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Chapter 5: Aunt Marge, The Parade Balloon


The doorbell rang and Aunt Petunia was now chopping onions for dinner. "Harry, get the door!" she beckoned and Harry ran down. He opened the door to see Harley, "Harley! What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at Hogwarts," Harry hushed his tone at the last word. 

"Harry, who is it?" Uncle Vernon's voice was heard. "It's me, Harley!" Harley said and smiled at her brother. "Harley, darling, what are you doing here?" Aunt Petunia was now in the hallway, wiping her hands with her apron. 

"My Uncle received a last-minute call from his laboratory and wanted my Uncle to visit Italy for the summer for some business and asked me if I could stay at your house for some time. He took your word seriously when you said that I could come back anytime but he enrolled me in a summer school so it would seem like I would be no trouble to you," she explained and gave them a letter. 

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, 

I am so sorry for the inconvenience but I must leave for Italy on short notice and ask if my niece would be of your custody as of the time being I would be in Italy. I have enrolled her in a summer finishing school for this year so she would be no bother to you during this time. Thank you for your kind consideration. I have also enclosed some money as compensation.



Aunt Petunia's thin face lit up like she was handed 1,000,000 Pounds for the year's consumption. "Oh, there would be no trouble at all! We would love to have you," she said. 

"Harry, get Harley's things and bring it to the room she stayed in last night," Uncle Vernon ordered and both Harry and Harley brought her things upstairs. 

"So, did you find out what house you're in?" Harry asked. "Yes, Griffindor," Harley answered. "Can I see that letter you gave Aunt Petunia?" Harry asked and after he read it, "Rubeus? As in Hagrid, Rubeus?" he said as he lifted Harley's suitcase on the extra bed. 

"Yep," Harley said and smiled. "Is he really your-I mean, our-uncle?" Harry asked with a glint of hope in his voice. 

"No, but how I wish. Dumbledore agreed to use Hagrid's name as my supposed uncle for the letter. That summer finishing school is actually 2 years worth of magic lessons crammed in one summer," Harley sighed and dropped on her bed.

Every morning, Harley would ride a train to London, using her time on the train to read and study. She meets Hagrid in the Leaky Cauldron and he takes her to Hogwarts. They would then take any quick way to arrive at Hogwarts. Floo powder and port key were the most common, although Hagrid did prefer the floo network more as he didn't appreciate how sick he feels after a trip by port key. Then depending on how late it is, she would go by train back to Surrey or Hagrid would bring her home. 

She didn't want to trouble Hagrid any more than she already did and so she would later ask if she could enter and leave Hogwarts herself, picking up how to effectively travel by floo powder quite easily. Dumbledore and Hagrid agreed. This would be her daily routine for more than a month until it was the night of the twins' birthday.

 "Harry, are you still awake?" Harley sat up from her bed and looked at Harry. 

"Yeah, I am. Happy birthday," Harry whispered as he saw the clock read 12:03 AM.

"Happy birthday to you too," Harley smiled. Her first birthday with family, her fingers tingled in pure content. Harry's never had anyone to celebrate his birthday with before, but now he has his sister. Both Potter siblings couldn't help but smile widely, genuinely happy that it's their birthday.

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