Chapter 17: The Sasaeng

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"Haer... Haerin, Kitty, I can't... I'm too tired," Danielle said as she stopped, gasping for air as she laid her hands on her knees, crouching down.

Haerin looked back, amused that the guy was still chasing them after what seemed like at least 10 minutes as she cursed out loud.

"Hey... lan... language," Danielle reprimanded her cat-eyed girlfriend.

He finally ran towards them, "Dani, stop running! That's so rude to do to your fellow Marshmellow!"

Danielle then snapped, looked up, face to face with the stalker, as she said, "Listen, I don't want to be bothered today, so if you would just," She signalled for him to leave.

The guy looked at the idol for a second, before bursting into laughter, "Nice joke Danielle! You're always so funny!"

"Bro, who are you?" Haerin asked, getting furious.

"I'm Dani's boyfriend!" He declared.

"What?" Both Danielle and Haerin jumped up in shock. Danielle have never even seen this guy until now.

"Look!" He opened his phone wallpaper, it was filled with Danielle's photos. He then reached for inside his shirt, before lifting it up. There it was, Danielle's face, near his chest, as a tattoo. "Do you remember me?"

"Sorry," Danielle chuckled nervously and half-heartedly, "I meet a lot of people on the daily."

"It's okay I understand babe," He pushed Danielle playfully before Danielle shot a look of disgust at him. "Can I get a kiss? I always imagine we would meet like this... Then I'm gonna get your number, we're gonna go out on dates, get married, have kids.."

"Ewww..." Haerin gagged.

Danielle put a hand in front of his face, before rejecting, "Sorry, not interested. But thanks for your support!" She had to keep up her idol demeanour, not wanting to ruin her reputation.

"Don't worry babe, you're going to be interested soon enough!" He winked as fiddled with his fingers flirtingly, before leaving the two girls alone.

"That's so creepy," Haerin remarked before checking up on Danielle, swiping a strand of her out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, "You good?"

Danielle smiled and nodded, "Yea, it's kind of normal to have these people as an idol."

"Honestly I can't imagine," Haerin replied, before holding Danielle's hand as they walked back to Danielle's mansion.

Haerin looked at it in awe, a luxurious and grand, at least 10000 square feet, white marble house was in front of them as Danielle took a key from under the carpet.

Hearin raised an eyebrow as she asked, "A mansion but you keep your keys under a carpet?"

Danielle laughed, "Yea, I always lose my keys, it's better to keep it here."

As they walk in, Haerin observed the beautiful design and interior of Danielle's home. "So this is what it feels like to be rich."

She slopped down on the couch, which was made of fine leather, as Danielle jumped and plopped next to her.

They stared into each other's eyes before they both have the sudden urge to kiss each other.

Just as they leaned in and wrap their hands around each other's faces, a clicking sound and a flashlight suddenly blinded them.

Someone swore from outside of the building as Haerin spotted a guy, with a camera, inside Danielle's building, nervously hitting his camera.

"Uh Danielle..." Haerin tapped her canine girlfriend. "Look there."

The idol was still too immerse in kissing Haerin that she didn't realise Haerin wasn't wrapped around her fingers no more. She turned her head as she squinted her eye, only to see the same creepy guy, standing outside her squared-shaped window that leads to her backyard, inside of her property.

The guy seemed to get his camera working again as he raised the object in his hands, preparing to take another snap, but not before realising that the couple were already staring at him, crossing their arms.

He widened his eyes before he threw himself out of there, Danielle groaned and asked worriedly, "You don't think he caught us kissing, did he?"

Haerin shook her head, "He definitely did."

"Ugh," Danielle rolled her eyes in annoyance, "let's go after him then."

Author's Note: I'm going to be updating slower because I'm going to audition! I'm going to be spending more time improving on being an idol so I can hopefully pass it! Please understand and thank you for all of your support!

Please vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it as it will help me push the story out to more people :D Thank you!

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