Chapter 24: Forgiveness

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"Should we invite your dad to our wedding?" Haerin asked, hoping for an answer from her busy fiancé,  they have been working non-stop, with Haerin's school and Danielle's idol life, they needed to sneak in time for each other, and to prepare for their wedding after the proposal. "He's your dad afterall."

"I don't know..." Danielle pondered on the question, she decided to brush off the question to worry about it another time. "I'll decide later."

Haerin sat down next to Danielle, and looked at her seriously, "Danielle, you can't push off this matter any longer, it's time for you to decide honey."

Danielle sighed, she knew Haerin was right, she always was.

"You got any ideas?" Danielle asked hopefully.

"It's your dad," Haerin replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Can I tell you tomorrow, please?" Danielle shot Haerin her pair of puppy-doll eyes, which worked everytime. Of course, the pair of eyes rise to this occasion as well.

Haerin groaned, "Fine, you know I can't resist those cute eyes. But tomorrow's the deadline."

A week passed and they were sending out invitations, they decided to keep their wedding small and local, without wanting to attract much attention from the media and such. Danielle decided to just send the invitation to her father and mother without telling them, if they decided to show up, she hoped that they will not crash the wedding.

The day of the wedding came.

Both Danielle and Haerin were getting ready in their own suit.

"How do I look?" Haerin asked nervously, touching on her makeup.

"You look great as always," Hanni replied, putting her hands on her sister's shoulders. "Don't worry, it's going to go all to plan."

"I hope..." Haerin replied, worried that Danielle's father will show up out of the blue and crash the party. Until now, ever since they sent out the invitation, her father still haven't given her or Haerin an official response on whether he or his wife will show up. She just hope that if they do, they will not be the party killer.

"Sis..." The youngest but tallest one said, crying her eyes out, "You're so pretty! I can't believe you're going to marry someone so young! I'm going to miss you!" She flung herself on the bride, crying on her chest.

"Hyein sweetie... It's not like I'm leaving Korea anytime soon, I'll still come and visit you and Hanni everyday," Haerin patted her sister's head, as well as fixing her white flowery dress, not trying to get the tears stained on her perfect garment.

"Don't forget about me!" Hyein cried. She was straight up ballings her eyes out right now, sneezing into a nearby tissue. Her nose was already red.

On the other side, Danielle was getting ready with Minji.

"Minji," Danielle looked up at the taller girl, who was checking up on her dress to make sure that there were no holes or defect.

"Yes?" She asked, looking up at the gorgeous girl who was going to get married later today.

"Do you think it's too early for us to get married? Afterall, it's only been one year since we met, I don't want her to feel like we're rushing into things... It's just when I see her suffering, I just want to ensure her that she's always mine..." Danielle explained nervously, shuffling and clanging her heels on the floor.

"Hey Danielle," Minji said seriously, "I know I haven't met Haerin before but if she is anything like Hanni, you don't have to worry about it. Those sisters will do anything just to show you she loves you. And Haerin agreed to your proposal, so I bet she loves you enough to do anything for you, even if that means marrying when she's this young."

"I hope you're right..." Danielle muttered before she heard a knock at the door. "Who's that? Did you invite someone?"

"No? It's your wedding, why would I invite someone here to your suite?" Minji went to peep through the cat-hole.

"Is it Haerin? She can't see me before the wedding, tell her to go away!" Danielle covered her face.

"It's your parents..." Minji made an awkward face towards Danielle, "Should I open the door? Or we can just pretend you're not here if you want."

"It's fine, open the door," Danielle instructed Minji. 

"Hi dad, hi mum," She said with no much enthusiasm. Was she glad that her parents showed up to her wedding? Definitely. But was she worried that they were going to ruin it? 100%.

After staring into each other's soul for a solid minute, Danielle's mother finally broke the silence.

"Can we come in?" She asked, pointing towards the interior of the suite.

Danielle eyed them suspiciously, before exchanging glances with Minji to let the two into the apartment.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you and Haerin that day..." Danielle's mother started apologising. "I hope you can forgive us."

Haering the apology made Danielle's heart instantly 10 times lighter as she heaved a sigh of relief, at least she knew that they aren't here to wreck havoc.

"Don't worry, I won't take it to heart," Danielle reassured her.

"That's good," Her mother said, while her father just stayed there in silent. Danielle was worried that he was secretly plotting some plan to divide them again, but she knew that with everyone here, he would not be able to carry out his twisted plan.

"Don't you have something to say to your daughter?" Danielle's mother looked at her husband sternly, which made his feet shuffled nervously together.

"I'm sorry Dani," He muttered.

Danielle couldn't belive her ears, did her father seriously apologise after doing so much to separate her and Haerin. She raised her eyebrows, unable to process what came out of his mouth.

"I know that I've taken my actions to achieve my dreams a bit too far, and I realised, that even though I never came to accept it, you have always made my proud," Her father said, his eyes pleading for forgiveness, "I have already told the guy to call off the arranged wedding after I got the invitation, I'm happy you invited me."

Danielle smiled at him, glad that he had finally came to his senses and accepted her and Haeirn's relationship. "Thank you Dad."

"I just have one request," Danielle's father asked, "Can I walk you down the aisle later?"

Minji awed at the moment, causing her father to awkwardly scratch the back of his head.

"Of course you can dad," Danielle accepted his request as she nodded sweetly. "I'm glad you offered."

"Ohh my babygirl is finally getting married," Danielle's mother intervened the moment and laid infinite amount of kisses on her daughter.

"Mum! My makeup!" She desperately tried to wipe away the red stains on her face.

"Don't worry about it Danielle, let me fix it," Minji kneeled down beside her and help her fix her make-up, with Danielle's mother embarrassedly walking towards the back of the suite.

Author's Note: This chapter got too long so I separated it into the next part, please stay tuned! 3 more chapters until this story ends!

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