Chapter 37: Fired

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"What are you thinking Marsh?" The boss of her entertainment company asked. "Fighting in broad daylight?"

"I had no choice!" Danielle argued, "My wife was there!"

"I was! She was just trying to save me!" Haerin justified.

"I don't care," The tall man said, standing up, slapping his device on his table. "We're letting you go."

"That means...?" Danielle asked.

"You're fired," He declared.

"What!" Haerin shouted, "How could you fire Danielle? This isn't even her fault!"

"She shouldn't have fought anyone, knowing that she was an idol herself," The man told Haerin, shaking his head disapprovingly, "Marsh, you should've known yourself, what fighting would've gotten you in. The company, and I, have already taken enough risk with you. The marriage announcement? You're lucky you got it in control, but no more, we're done taking risk after risk with you, you're fired. I wish you all the best with Haerin, but this is it."

Danielle looked at the man who made her career and dream possible, with betrayal and sadness, "So... you mean, that's it? I'm no longer an idol anymore?"

The man nodded without saying anything.

"But... but I did it for Haerin! The girl started to whole thing?" She screamed on top of her lungs, bawling her eyes out.

"But the girl isn't an idol, but you are. Even if you are doing it for the right causes, and trust me, I do believe that you are," He added, "The public will still remember this everytime they see you, we can't have that. This is Goodbye Danielle, I'm sorry."

"No!" Danielle declared, resisting to leave. Her dream crumbling in front of her eyes.

"Don't make this any harder than it is already," The man said, ushing them out,"Pack your things and leave."

Danielle kicked the door, before it slammed open, and stormed out of the room. Haerin followed suit, with her tip-toeing and apologising for her wife's erratic behaviour, before closing the door nicely after bowing.

"I can't believe it!" Danielle muttered, putting her hands over her ears. "My dreams... everything... it's over!"

Haerin immediately rushed over to calm the panicked-attacked Danielle, stroking her back, "It's not over, we will find a way to make this right."

"How?" The teary eyes looked at Haerin's, who's eyes were equally as defeated, but she faked her front, staying strong for Danielle. She knew Danielle needed her right now, and the most she can do, is be there for her.

"We'll find a way," Haerin reassured her, before planting a gentle kiss on her lips.

"How?" She asked, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Look, we are going to get through this and get your job back. We just have to prove your innocence. I promise you, I'm going to find a way." Her feline wife answered.

"Thanks," Danielle wiped away her tears from her red-poached eyes before leaning her head on Haerin's shoulders, wiping her tears on her t-shirt. "I don't know what I can do without you."

"And you would never have to," Haerin caress Danielle's hair, before hugging her.

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