Giannis Antetokounmpo: 3rd Quarter Baby

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Context: Giannis Antetokounmpo's water breaks in the middle of the 3rd quarter while playing with his teammates against Miami Heat.

Meanwhile at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee WI,

Giannis is now 9 months pregnant with his first baby and he is playing along with his brother Thanasis Antetokounmpo. In fact, Giannis refuses to listen to his brother because he knows that he wanted to play basketball even his past 3rd trimester in which he was supposed to be sidelined for the rest of the season according to his head coach. When he was on the basketball court, Giannis was hit with a contraction while shooting free throws. "Giannis are you okay?" Thanasis asked. "I'm fine, it's just a cramp," Giannis said not wanting to cause a panic on the court. "Are you sure?" He asked again. "Yes I'm sure," Giannis tries his best to hide the pain from his teammates and made the shots. Not long after the contractions had passed, it happened again. "Oww!" He leaned on the basket as he clutched his lower belly breathing rapidly. Thanasis goes to Giannis. "Giannis, what's going on?" Giannis panted rapidly.

Giannis Antetokounmpo: I don't know, I thought they were bad cramps.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: What? How long has this happen?

Giannis Antetokounmpo: 5 minutes ago when I started shooting free throws.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: Giannis, you should've called me if you're feeling any pain.

Giannis Antetokounmpo: I know and I'll be fine.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: Are you sure?

Giannis Antetokounmpo: Yeah yeah I'm sure.

When they got back on the court to continue playing. Giannis felt another pain on his lower belly. "Giannis?" Joe Ingles came to him. "Giannis, are you okay?" Giannis came into a realization that he was going to be in labor. "No, I'm not okay," Giannis shook his head. "Thanasis! Your brother is going to have a baby," "What?" He ran to Giannis.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: Giannis, what's going on?

Giannis Antetokounmpo: you know what? I'm not okay. I think the baby is about to come out.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: Crap! Okay, let's get you to the locker room.

Thanasis accompanies his younger brother to the locker room when he felt a gush of liquid soaking on his basketball shorts. "Yuck! That is so gross!" Not only did the liquid soak up his shorts, it went through his socks and shoes. Yet, the court was wet. "Oh my goodness! Giannis! Your water just broke!" Thanasis takes him to the Bucks Locker room and prepares the supplies to help deliver his younger brother's baby.

Giannis Antetokounmpo: Can you please hurry up? The baby is not going to wait any longer.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: I know, I know. Just relax, I'm almost done. Breathe in and out, I'll get the pillows, towels and everything we have in handy. I thought you were due in 2 days.

Giannis Antetokounmpo: I don't know Thanasis! I cannot prevent it! The baby is coming out now and hurry up with preparing the supplies, the baby is not going to wait any longer damn it! I don't want to have a baby in the court.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: Okay okay. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. I'll be back.

He went to the Coach's office to get the gloves and went to the locker room. Thanasis put on his gloves. He helped remove his shorts, underwear, socks and shoes and gently laid down on the pillows and sterilized pads. He placed the sheet of blanket to cover up Giannis' legs so nobody could see what was happening inside.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: Listen little brother, I'm here to help you with the baby so I'll be here.

Giannis nodded.

Thanasis Antetokounmpo: Okay, you should be ready to push.

Giannis Antetokounmpo: Okay.

Later on,

"Okay, now breathe in and push!" Giannis started pushing. "There y0u go! You got this," "AAAAAAHHHHH!" Giannis screams as he was pushing the baby out. "You're doing great Giannis! Keep going!" Thanasis praises him. He took a breath and pushed. "I know you're tired but you need to keep pushing," "Thanasis, it hurts so bad. AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!" Giannis panted heavily. "You can do this little bro, I know you can," The officials made an announcement that Giannis will not return to the game because of the injury. However, Giannis wasn't injured. His water broke in the middle of the game. "Come on lil bro keep going!" He was panting heavily and could barely keep up his strength. "Damn it! Thanasis! It hurts like hell!" "Giannis it's okay," He said trying to comfort him. "I know it hurts, but you're very brave," Thanasis checked on his brother's progress. "The head is almost out, don't give up," Giannis was determined to keep going even though he is going to be a mother of his child and pushed through the pressure. Giannis whimpers feeling the baby's head crown.

"I can see the baby's head, do not push, pant through it," Giannis pants heavily. "Just try to breathe slowly," his older brother Thanasis instructed while helping his younger brother deliver the baby. "You're halfway there Giannis! Push!" He shouted in pain. "Just like that Giannis! Keep going!" He continued on no matter how painful it gets. "Giannis, let me stop you for a while because I need to check to see if the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck," Thanasis checks carefully to see if there was any problems with the baby's neck. Although, there were no signs of the umbilical cord being wrapped around the baby. "Okay, you can continue," Giannis was afraid of being in a position where many umbilical cords were wrapped around the neck in which he had seen it on the movies, tv shows and other things.

"Giannis, I know you're tired. We need to keep going now," Giannis continues to push until the baby's shoulders were ready to be pushed out. "Okay Giannis, this is going to hurt more since I have to pull the baby out," When he was ready to push for the shoulders, he lets out an ear piercing scream as Thanasis pulls the baby out gently using both of his hands to guide the head. "It's alright Giannis! She's coming out now!" The tears were streaming down his cheeks. "She's almost out! Hang tight!" He screams until he hears the sound of the baby crying. "It's a girl," Thanasis' eyes beamed with joy. He cuts the umbilical cord and cleaned the baby with the towel before returning back to its mother. Giannis held the newborn in his arms as the paramedics arrived and asked what was happening. Thanasis told them that Giannis had a baby in the middle of the 3rd quarter and he was sent to the hospital with the baby. Thanasis came with them.


Giannis was now in the hospital room with the baby in his arms while Thanasis is asleep on the couch. His mother and his brothers came to visit him. "Giannis! Thank goodness! What happened to you?" Mrs. Antetokounmpo asked. "Hi Mom, what's up?" "I thought you were hurt or something, Why didn't you call me?" "Mom, I gave birth," Giannis replied. "I had a baby in the Locker room," "Really? Oh I see, let me see the baby," "Here she was," She held the baby in her arms. "Oh sorry to interrupt Giannis, what's the name of your baby?" The nurse came in. "Helena," Giannis said. "Ah! That's a lovely name," She smiled writing the name on the clipboard. "You never told me that you were going to be a mother," His mother didn't even know that Giannis gave birth to a girl. "Well yeah because I didn't want you to be upset with me," Giannis said briefly. "Oh yeah? But you know, you made me a grandma now," Everyone laughed at the end. Giannis felt happy as Brook Lopez comes in a gives him a kiss.

Helena Antetokounmpo-Lopez
Born at 8:50pm on May 15 2021
Gender: female
Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz.
Mother: Giannis Antetokounmpo
Father: Brook Lopez

Author's note:

There you have it readers! I made Thanasis Antetokounmpo become the male midwife to his younger brother Giannis to help him with the baby. If you want any Giannis Antetokounmpo fanfics let me know and who do you want Giannis to date with- Jessica

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