Old friend?

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Y/N pov :

"Sin of wrath, the stronger of them all, the leader of the seven deadly sins...

That's what I am?" I asked Azazel for confirmation.

Azazel:"Yes sir, at least, that's what everyone believes in, including me"

Y/N:" Wait how are we certain that I am the son of wrath" it can't be that simple, maybe I just lost control and that's it, it may not be related to the sin at all.

Azazel :"that's actually a good question, you could just be an powerful angry man who has nothing to do with it"

"But, let's be honest, you are the best candidate I know of"

"Well, maybe if you get angry enough something happens? Either way, it doesn't change the fact that you, an human got the attention of a lot of people" he informs me, I got an reputation a bit too quickly, at least it will attract more clients.

Y/N:" why are you doing all of this?" It's strange, too strange, why would the head of the fallen angel come here by himself?, i got Raynare as a slave as form of "punshiment" and he even revealed to me what is most probably the source of my power and for what?

Azazel:"I don't know, maybe I just liked you?" He says smiling, then he got up.

"It was good to see you in person, but I'm quite an busy man" he says walking toward the exit

"So I will see you around" he says exiting the bar

Squalo:" sin of wrath huh? That fits you perfectly, In my opinion" he says probably remembering about all the times I gently stopped him from doing certains things.

Karma:"Big Bro Y/N is so cool, I wished I was a sin too" he says with starts on his eyes, but still with that emotionless expression, it's weird seeing the two of them.

Y/N:" you could be one, we don't know yet who are the others so it's possible" really, it could be anyone, but what be his sin ? Squalo's? Or even Ginti's? That's if they are sins to begin with.

" either way, I'm going home, I'm too tired" and I truly was, not physically but I'm mentally tired, the trip to kuoh only to find Azazel, having a new slave, discovering that I probably got amnesia and possibly be the sin of wrath.

"Raynare, i want you to transfer to our school by tomorrow" i said, or better yet, i ordered her since all I will say to her can be life threatening, she could die if she neglects even one of my requests.

Raynare:" yes Y/N-sama" already calling master? It's a bit too fast for someone as greedy as her.

Now that I think about it, could she be the sin of greed?

She truly is motivated by greed, it's the reason why she even agreed to be my slave, really.

Y/N:"Come karma, we're going home"  I said exiting the bar with him, I'm keeping him with me, he reminds me of myself a bit so why not mold him to become like me ?

Y/N pov:

I wasn't exactly expecting this

Lilia:"Let's play this Hekken game, it's my favorite!" She shouts at karma who is staring at his ps5 controller with an confused expression.

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