Ch. 7

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Today is an especially busy day for me.

I have to train for twelve hours and film a music video at midnight.

This is going to be a great day.

I was running an errand for Jessica when Jongin came running up to me.

He was crying, which was a pretty rare sight to see.

"Jongin, why are you crying?" I didn't even bother greeting him.

"You made me break up Kiyoung. You. If only you told our parents what had happened, I wouldn't have broken up with Kiyoung. She started crying because of you. You're evil, Krystal."

Never had he called me 'Krystal'.

He's always called me 'Soojung'.

The thing that scared me the most at this moment is how bipolar he's being.

Just a couple days ago, he was begging me to be friends with him.

But now?

He's literally throwing salt at my face.

"Jongin, it's not my fault. You could've just told your parents."

He glared at me like I was some hideous thing.

"How could I tell my parents what I did? I cheated on you, Krystal! My parents would be so angry at me." He cried even more.

I took in a deep breath and said, "Leave me alone."

I started continuing my errand when he caught my wrist.

"Just because we're getting married doesn't mean I'm going to treat you as my wife." He growled and let me go.

Even if I was still in love with him, I would never forget those words.

Not looking back, I ran away from Jongin and thought about his last sentence to me.


"Hey, gather up everyone!" Victoria hollered at us.

The rest of the f(x) members, including me, ran over to Victoria.

When we all gathered together, Victoria told us to sit down.

"EXO will be coming in soon to have some fun with us!" Victoria started squealing.

Luna and Sulli started shrieking and hugged each other, while Amber and I just stared blankly at Victoria.

"Unnie, do I have to hang out with them?" I continued staring at her.

"Of course! Why wouldn't- Oh. I'm sorry, Soojung." She patted my arm.

"I kinda had a fight with Jongin today. I had a fight with Chen a couple days ago. I don't feel like facing them today." I shoved my face into my hands out of stress.

"Hey, look. That's only 2 members of the 12. You're still on good terms with the other 10." Amber rubbed my back.

I took my face out of my hands and glared at Luna and Sulli, who were in their own fan-dreamland.

"Shut up, you two!" I screamed at them.

Out of shock because of my loud voice, they stared at me with frightened eyes.

"What's wrong, Krystal?" Sulli started asking me.

"You obviously know what's wrong. Don't play dumb." I scolded her while I started standing up.

"Yah, where are you going?" Amber asked.

I started walking toward the door.

"Somewhere other than this room where EXO will be."

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