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Pokemon Reaction Fiction and a replacement for Chosen One's Adventures, More exciting and in a bigger point of view so I hope you like it-

ASH- Age 10 [Completed his journey through kanto to Orange Islands. 8 months in kanto and 4 months in Orange Islands]

ASH- Age 11-12 [Completed his journey in Jotho within 8 months and another 8 months in Hoenn]

ASH- Age 12-13 [Completed his journey in Sinnoh within 8 months and another 8 months in Unova]

ASH- Age 13-14 [Travelled the Decolore Islands for a month and 7 months in kalos and another 10 months in alola] 

ASH- Age 15 [Entered in the Masters tournament and became World champion almost at the age of 16]

[Note- This starts in season 3 where Ash, Brock and Misty were about to enter the Johto region and they were still in the forest area which lies between kanto and Johto. And Ash's age is 11 at the current time]

[Note- And yeah I might add my own little changes but it will be the same]


[The Pokemon World inhabited by humans and those magical creatures called Pokemon. Humans and pokemon exist alongside each other where they battle alongside each other, train and perform. People use pokemon for battles, Contests and performance and many other things while some just like to keep them as pets but there are people who also use them for evil purposes]

[Now we will look upon a particular Trainer's journey named Ash Ketchum who was happily travelling towards Johto to register himself for the Johto league with his starting partner pokemon Pikachu and his friends who were also the former Gym leaders Brock Harrison and Misty Waterflower]

ASH: I can't wait to register myself in the Johto league! [Says excited] I will win the whole and league and become the Pokemon Master!

MISTY: [Sighs shaking her head] Here you go ahead.. really Ash you have a really long way to go to become a Pokemon Master and besides proving with actions is more effective than with words. 

ASH: Come on Misty you know I won the Orange league..

MISTY: And was defeated by Gary and his evee the next moment. [Ash was sitting by a shade clearly depressed by the news]

BROCK: [Chuckles] Come on Misty don't be hard on him. I know Ash will achieve his dream and we will support him. [Misty agreed with Brock on that]

ASH: Yeah.. Thanks Guys and we will win it together right buddy. [Looks at Pikachu sitting on his shoulder who raises his paw determined to win] So how much time till we reach New Bark town and I can register myself for the Johto league..?

BROCK: We will reach New Bark town in a day..

ASH: Alright then lets get going! [With that they were about to move when suddenly a very large 150-inch screen opened up infront of them in thin air as they were surprised by this and were alert]

ASH: W-What is that..? [Surprised]

BROCK: How did a screen appear out of thin air.. [Shocked]

MISTY: I don't know... [Looking at the screen]


[Many screen appeared in big cities, Pokemon centers, houses and stadiums. All the tv screen in the regions had also gone blank as well leaving people worried as the screens were everywhere from forests to cities, from mountains to Islands in every region consisting of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola and Galar leaving everyone worried and high authorities on alert]

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