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Hi Guys this is chapter 4 and I hope you like it and don't forget to vote on it if you like it-


[Everyone looked at the screen excited to see another exciting battle between the champions as everyone had there eyes turned to the screen hoping that they would see the other battles when the screen lit up]


[The stadium crowd erupted in cheer on seeing there two champions enter the stadium and take their positions]

ANNOUNCER: Now the third round of the World Coronation Series Masters Class! Please welcome the famous Sinnoh Champion with her regal presence. Cynthia Shirona!!

[Cynthia halted on her position in the field, striking a pose she always did during battles]

ANNOUNCER: And on the other hand we have the young Unova Champion. Iris!!

[Iris also halted on her position with a excited yet determined smile. Both champions kindly smiled at each other even though they were going to battle each other]

ANNOUNCER: It will be a confrontation between the Majestic Sinnoh champion who will face the unbridled vigor of the young Unova champion! 


[The world was excited to watch the battle and were curious on the strength of the young Unova champion, wanting to know how powerful and skilled she was to be in the masters 8 despite being young and though they were surprised that such a prestigious champion like Cynthia was facing a young rookie champion]

[The people of Sinnoh looked at their champion in respect and admiration as they really admired Cynthia who held onto the title of Sinnoh champion for years winning the league on her first try and also winning the hearts of people of Sinnoh while many males looked at the champion feeling attracted to her beauty already]

[The people of Unova also looked at there champion with hopeful and analyzing gaze wanting to know how much powerful and skilled was she. Alder and the high command also looked at there champion with analyzing gaze because if she had defeated Alder then she would have something special to show the world about her pokemon and skills and many dragon trainers were already paying close attention to her]

[Though the people of Sinnoh, Kalos, Kanto, Johto and Hoenn and few veterans of Unova thought that Cynthia would win. It isn't for nothing that she was ranked 2nd just behind Lion and although the position doesn't mean everything.. they were confident in the power of the Queen of Sinnoh]


With Unova High Command-

MARSHAL: Now we will see how powerful is she to represent Unova region at such a prestigious international level event like the Masters Tournament.

CAITLIN: Yeah.. and I would like to know the bond she shares with her pokemon.. 

ALDER: [Looks at the girl seriously] Despite her childish attitude she seems to have great confidence in herself.. lets see how far her confidence matches upto her skills.. Though [Smiles softly] despite knowing her powerful her opponent is.. I am glad she didn't falter..

SHAUNTAL: And if that's the case than we should support her because she is representing Unova after all..

ALDER: Agreed.. [Nods as they all look at Iris hoping she would take Unova to greater heights] Its a fight between Sinnoh vs Unova..

In the Village of Dragons-

[We can see a very nervous Iris and Axew and a serious dragon gym leader looking at the screen, one with a nervous look while other with a analyzing look]

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