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Hi Guys so this is chapter 7 of the reaction fiction and I hope you like it so enjoy-

[Note- I am not showing Ash and Cynthia's training scene and when that girl got lost cause I don't see the point and besides I couldn't find this episode's script so I am watching the episode and writing after listening each sentence while pausing so you can guess its little tough for me so if there is any mistakes please point out and I will re-edit it]

[BTW I think we can agree that this episode was made to humiliate the Kalos Champion lol]


[The world was still reeling from the shock as they couldn't believe the pairings which were showed on-screen while the screens had gone blank for a while and while in Sinnoh league HQ the situation was not at all calm at the moment]


With the Sinnoh High Command-

BERTHA: Cynthia Shirona open this damn door NOW!! [Yells as she was trying to get her regional champion out who was pretty much embarrassed to say the least]

CYNTHIA: Leave me alone for a while! [Yells from her room already pretty embarrassed by what the screen showed as Bertha sighs]

[The other three elites look at each as Flint says]

FLINT: I am still questioning how did this happen...

LUCIAN: This is beyond my knowledge as well though if its somehow true than I will not question Cynthia's taste.. though I hope the screen shows how this happened..

[Aaron and Flint nod]

AARON: So if this is true than that Alola champion better take care of our champion..

FLINT: Yeah otherwise we will make sure he regret making our champion sad.. [Says as they both nod at each other while Lucian frowns]

LUCIAN: You both are acting like two overprotective brothers.. [Says as Bertha joins them frustated] So she is not coming out?

[His answer was just a frustated groan from Bertha]

LUCIAN: Well let me try.. [He goes near the door and says] Hey champ we have some nice castelia cones we bought wanna have some?

[There was few moments of silence when the sound of door's lock being opened was heard and our sinnoh champion came out with eyes shinning while others sweatdrop and Lucian had a victory smile over his face]

FLINT: Well that worked..

[Before anyone could comment further the blank screens lit up as everyone turn there attention towards the screen]


[The screen shows the Wyndon stadium where the announcer's voice was heard]

HOST: With the continuing of the first round of the semi-finals with a fierce battle between Champion of Galar Leon vs Champion of kalos Diantha continues as the kalos Champion has been cornered by already losing four of her pokemon, leaving her with only 2 pokemon left while on the other hand Champion Leon has lost only 1 pokemon through the entire battle leaving him with five pokemon to use!!

HOST: With the continuing of the first round of the semi-finals with a fierce battle between Champion of Galar Leon vs Champion of kalos Diantha continues as the kalos Champion has been cornered by already losing four of her pokemon, leaving her w...

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