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Hi Guys so this is chapter 9 or the part 2 for Ash vs Cynthia's battle and I hope you like it and if you do that please vote as well-

[Please read this note before you read the chapter and help me a bit my friends]

[IMPORTANT NOTE- Guys can you mention the episode or something of a para on Leon's journey to champion.. even if its a small chapter it will be helpful cause the sooner you mention it the sooner I will update the next chapter alright. Thank You]

[Lol I realize it now that after watching Spanish fanfics [cause there is no English fanfic on pokemon reaction] I just wrote the elite four as high command when I should write them as elite four but oh well... though elite four doesn't include champion so can you guys tell me what is the name for the group with elite four and champion included??? I thought of using league officials but that doesn't suit well or I think I will just go with high command]


[People of Alola and Kanto cheered for there champion and representative in the battle while his fan group also increased as they watch in anticipation with the tournament semi final match being tied again as Ash's respect and admiration increased many times in there hearts]

[While people of Sinnoh look on nervously as they watch there champion loose 4 pokemon though they still had confidence in their champion cause she still had her Garchomp and Togekiss but still they couldn't help but feel a little bit of tension]

[While others simply watched with anticipation as to who would be the one to reach the finals and challenge Leon while they also came to know that Ash Ketchum is a trainer that cannot be underestimated what-so-ever]


CYNTHIA: When we battle I get more and more fired up, all the more reason for me to win and battle Leon in the finals.

ASH: Your only problem is that we'll win. [Sirfetched nods in affirmative] because with this battle, I'll surpass you and battle Leon!


With Sinnoh High Command-

CYNTHIA: True indeed.. its the battles like this which gives the thrill and increase the fire of my will to win..

BERTHA: Oh my I have rarely seen you so fired up like that.. the last time was when you first challenged the us for the sinnoh champion title.

AARON: Should I feel jealous that our battles don't give our champion this much thrill. Though I am surprised he managed to beat four of your pokemon..

LUCIAN: This shows that the rookie kid has already surpassed us and calling him a rookie will not be worthy of the fame he achieved.

FLINT: [Huffs] I will only accept when he battles me and wins. 

CYNTHIA: Only battles like these excites me.. and I also somewhat thankful that there still are capable trainers from the new generation with great skills and strategy but I guess Ash ketchum still surpasses them. I can't wait for when he comes to sinnoh.

BERTHA: It would really be interesting to meet him. [Says with a nod]


With Galar Champion-

[Leon's expression turned serious seeing how determined those two trainers looked to battle him in the finals as if they had made this goal when they entered the tournament only to battle him specifically]

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