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Hi Guys this is chapter 5 and I hope you like it so enjoy and if you like it then please vote and comment on it-

[Note- Ash doesn't wear his z-ring, dynamax band and Mega glove until the time arrives and its mainly to create suspense alright]


[The screen was blank for a few moments when suddenly they turned on and the great Wyndon stadium was shown in all its pride and well-built structure as they could hear the sounds of cheering from the crowd which was looking at the Masters tournament with great excitement and enthusiasm as the screen turns to the Announcer]

ANNOUNCER: After a great victory from our Sinnoh champion Cynthia who defeated the Champion of Unova Iris and preserving a spot in the Semi-Finals, we now will see the fourth battle of the masters Tournament which will decide the four finalists!

[The Crowd erupts in cheer as the other champions were paying attention to the screen]

ANNOUNCER: Now lets bring the Participants! Please welcome the heir to the Devon Corporation. He is known for the excavation of rare stones. Please welcome, The Champion Of Hoenn Steven Stone!! 

[The crowd erupts in cheer as Steven arrives waving and bows lightly in respect]


[The people of Hoenn erupted in cheers and beaming with pride looking at there champion ranked in the whole world as the 3rd strongest trainer. Champion Steven already had a large number of fangirls in the Hoenn region and many in the rest of the world who were already cheering for him the loudest while the champion in question was also looking at the screen hoping to find out how much strong has he become in future]


With Hoenn High Command-

STEVEN: Now I am excited to see how strong have I become in the future.. and you should watch it as well.. [Releases his shiny metagross who already knew what was happening and looked at the screen at his future self to see how powerful they have become in the future]

WALLACE: So you are battling the last of the rookie.. lets see how the first Alola champion can fare against your strength...

PHOEBE: It will be easy. We all know you will win this Steven.. You are fighting against a 8th ranked trainer which explains a big difference.

DRAKE: Even if he is a rookie we can't underestimate him.. remember both Alain and Iris were rookies and though they didn't win, they both had something special to surprise us so he might have some special trick up his sleeve as well.

STEVEN: Yeah.. after seeing the two matches, I have learned not to underestimate the new generation and I hope he gives me the battle to remember.. [Says with a smile] I want to see what the remaining rookie has to offer me...


Petalburg City [Maple Family]-

[The maple family especially Max looked in admiration at there regional champion as Max was cheering for Steven the loudest]

MAX: Alright Go for it Steven! Show that kid who's the real champion! [Cheers for Steven]

NORMAN: [Smiles] Steven Stone even in future remains to be the best Hoenn champion. Lets see how strong he is in the future.. 

[May and Caroline also look at the screen with a smile hoping there champion would win]

CAROLINE: I am glad we have such a great responsible champion.

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