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Detroit, Michigan

02.09.2039, 08:21:46

Androids. Beings once created to serve and fulfill the 'annoying tasks of life', now walking around with free will due to something called 'deviancy'.

Every street of Detroit is busseling with humans and androids alike. Segregation is now almost a thing of the past. A perfect future...

But unlike most androids, you were stripped of freedom. Belonging to Cyberlife and the CEO; Elijah Kamski. You're not a deviant. But a machine, obeying each mission of Cyberlife, even if it means sacrificing the whole team. You were made to seem human. To feel human. Softer outer skin, with sensors, and red blood. But on the inside, a rather thin plastic layer, with a thirium pump and blue blood. Like every android around you. You also emulated emotions; happiness, sadness, anger. All included, but you don't feel it like deviants do. No. You simply acted them out like an actor in a play.

You never were able to figure out why. Why Cyberlife spend thousands, if not a million dollars on your extremely complex design with small scars, freckles and even other non-perfect markings. But you stopped questioning it. You knew Cyberlife would restart your system if they caught you acting out deviant behaivour in their private facility. So you kept it at that. Simply doing what your told.

You huffed, stepping out of an automatic cab. For February the air was still chilly, even your jacket couldn't protect you from the winds. You looked up at the building just ahead of you; Detroit Police Department.

"Long time no see", you murmured to yourself as you just began making the first steps back inside.


"Hank, in my office now!", Folwer yelled across the station. The lieutenant with once glorious days looked up; "Well, fuck me.", he murmured under his breath.

Ever since Connor has joined his life, the old lieutenant actually came on time to his job. A surprise most witnessed.

Hank turned his head to Connor, who simply quietly sat at his neat desk, curious about Fowler. There was no one to safe Hank from the spartan rage Fowler had in stock.


You stepped into the warmth of the DPD. The smell of coffee is already lingering in the air, pulling you in. Walking up to the reception, there is a familiar face; an android. An ST300. With no LED's attached to her, not even the one on her temple. She looks so human.

"Oh-", the android said your name in full surprise. She remembered you. "It's nice to see you again Officer-"

"Lieutenant, actually", you corrected the android.

"Oh, excuse me", she huffed, placing almost ashamedly a hair strand behind her ear, "How may I help you, Lieutenant?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Fowler."

"May I see you ID please?"

Without an instance, you snatched your ID card out, placing it on the counter with a soft smile.

While it was faked, Cyberlife made sure that it was completely registered, so that you seemed human. Every open document was registered. At least you thought so.

After the android scanned your ID card she stopped. You knew her LED would've been spinning yellow. Something was off.

"Is something wrong Miss?", you asked, almost seeming angelic and just as confused.

The android snapped her view back to you; "Excuse me, this could take a few minutes..."



"I will not take a new fucking partner!", Hank yelled inside Fowlers office. Fowler simply leaned back in his chair, letting Hank rant on for just a few more seconds. "I've done enough shit for this-"

"That's enough Hank.", Fowler raised his voice, staring into the lieutenants eyes. "Connor is not going to get replaced-"

"That's not my damn worry.", Hank instantly exclaimed.

The heated conversation was beginning to be audible on the outside, grasping attention from a few officers. Chris Miller walked up to Connor's desk; "What'd you think its about?", he asked taking a sip of his coffee, watching Hank march back and forth with his hands flapping around.

"I am not sure."

"Well, whatever it is, its not pretty."

"As far as I am aware, we're supposed to get a new officer."

Chris turned his attention to Connor; "Oh really? Know anything about them?"


The door of Fowler's office whipped open. Hank stormed out, fuming.

"Well, I better get going, Don't want a lecture from him now.", Chris smiled, turning himself away again, leaving Connor alone to handle the situation with Hank.

Hank tramped like an angry toddler to his desk, mumbling under his breath, his teeth clenched. Fowler following right after him; he wasn't done with him. But before Fowler could restart the yelling, threatening and disciplining, the receptionist of DPD came rushing over.


Fowler turned his head and watched as the receptionist fold slightly in unease.

"I hope I'm not intruding...", she smiled awkwardly.

Fowler threw Hank one last disgusted glare before turning his attention the the android; "Of course not."

"A Lieutant by the name of-"

"She's here?", he cut her off.

"Yes, she is currently waiting at the reception."

"Why didn't you let her in?", Fowler huffed.

"Her ID seems to be not registered properly in my system. I was unsure if she could be let in."

"Let her in"

"Will be done Mr. Fowler."


Your foot was tapping against the glossy ground beneath your feet. The android registered a problem with your ID given by Cyberlife, needing to go through multiple tests to make sure you were you. This was just stupid timewaste.

"All done Miss" she pronounced your last name with such friendliness. Something you hadn't encountered in a long time. You gave her a short acknowledging nod with a soft smile to chase after.

Finally, the doors opened for you. And you stepped in, straightening your back, with polite confidence on your face.

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