Murder Mystery

3 0 0

Detroit, Michigan

02.09.2039, 08:48:15

Connor surprisingly wanted you to drive with him in his own car. It still kind of weirded you out; androids getting paid and actually allowed to own things. Whilst you too owned an apartment, it was purely out of immersive illusion set by Kamski and his worker bees at Cyberlife.

You sat down in the passenger seat, next to you Connor as he started up the engine and turned the heater on. This did not go unnoticed, you watched him as he cranked the heat up.

"I noticed that your body temperature is below average. I hope you don't mind."

You were bamboozled to say the least; "No, no I don't mind at all. Thank you."

He gave you a small warm smile. Just then you noticed how warm and soft his brown eyes actually were. His mistrust of you seemed to have vanished. The cold glaring gone, completely.

You placed your head on the glass, watching the streets pass by. Androids walked hand in hand with their own or even humans. Laughing and smiling. It almost seemed like they forgot what happened. As if concentration camps weren't a worry of just three months ago.

The car came to a halt, standing at the red light. Connor turned his head to you, watching and observing you.

"May I ask you a personal question lieutenant?"

You turned your head and slightly straightened your back, trying to seem less day-dreamy. "Yeah of course. What is it?"

"Lieutenant Anderson never mentioned of having trained an officer."

"Is it that surprising? He got his lieutenant call early, of course he would get an inexperienced kid to teach."

"How is he as a... teacher?"

You slightly sank back in the seat, needing a moment to think, and just then, the light that was shining red in your eyes turned green and Connor turned his attention back on the road.

"I mean, he was a handful to handle. But, I learned a lot from him. Maybe too much.", you chuckled lightly.

"I assume you will use that knowledge at the homocide scene?"

"Testing me?"

Connor fell silent for a few seconds, his LED spinning yellow before he opened his mouth again; "I'm curious to see your work-ethnics. I assume the JTTF works differently from the state police."

"Yeah, we usually get sent to more dangerous places. But, what happened at that crime scene anyway?" The environment and the generals above your head trained you to keep your business in the JTTF as quiet as possible. Your force wasn't quite the favorable.

"A murder just got recently reported. A few minutes ago. Two victims and possible red ice usage were reported."

Red ice. A drug. A killer. You had too many raids committed just because of red ice involvement. Cocaine and meth was at this point a joke compared to the red ice. Called the red death within your facility.

The rest of the car drive was quiet. It was particularly uncomfortable but you wouldn't like to redo it either. The car finally halted in front of an almost abandoned looking house; windows were dirty, with unknown dried orange brown filth sticking onto them. The white painted wooden planks were chipping, loose and dirty. You looked at the house, the feeling of disgust painted slightly on your face. "How can people live like this?", you asked yourself. Connor simply looked at you, and then back at the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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