Chapter 14

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Abels pov

" Come on bro , let's hit the Drais ! You know Taz's Angels supposed to be there , you already know im tryna hulk smash AB lil fine ass ." Hawk says while the doing the bank head bounce ." Throwing my water bottle at him while everybody's laughing , I start to tell everybody about Rina and her being pregnant.

" wait wait wait ... So you saying queen of the damned is pregnant ? Since when can vampires get pregnant ?" He says while throwing back a shot of henny . "That's what I'm saying, I don't even know anymore honestly ."
I look up and see hawk looking real weird
"what's wrong with you nigga ?"

"ummm you might be a daddy to another lil blood sucker ." This nigga always playing games .

"what are you talking about ?" He hands me his phone and I see a text from a random number . Tell Abel Rina isn't the only one who's pregnant . Ava misses her daddy . Ding . Another message. It was picture of Breeze With a little baby in her arms! I slowly melted into the seat . This was all to fucking much , to many women and children. I thought your dick stopped working when you became a vampire.


Around 4:30 I arrived at Rina's apartment . I Still couldn't believe she was pregnant , who the fuck even knew vampires could get pregnant ? I mean I watched twilight before but that's just a movie this is reality ! Breeze too , these heffas are to damn fertile . I think to myself as I looked in the mirror before leaving the car making sure my face was still intact and not pale and hard looking . Don't wanna scare any bystanders , getting out and walking up the stairs to her apartment I knocked on the door to find it creaking open , my nerves immediately tensed up . The aura didn't feel right , I felt a bad presence lingering here . Walking towards the back I could hear faint echoing screams , nobody was in here but it's like the place was trying to tell me what happened in here .

" they buried her .. Alive" I whipped my head around as fast as I could but nobody was behind me . That voice .. so eery .. When I walked towards the back , I noticed Rina's bedroom was a mess , whatever happened somebody got their ass beat .

My powers as King have become stronger , I can touch things and see the story behind them or if I concentrate hard enough while I stand in a room I can see what happened in there years ago which is called a vision quest . I relax my body and concentrate on what happened in the room, soon i feel the room get abnormally cold , the room is now black and white , but i myself was still in color. I see Nerina laying in bed watching and laughing at some sick movie, while from peripheral vision I see the closet door opening slowly but shes cackling so loud she doesnt see shit!

I try and scream her name but no matter how loud I shout , she cant hear me because I forget that this is the past , with desperate attempts to jump on the bed and try to move her , I fail miserably , as did my attempts to touch her worked as if she's just a hologram . My heart raced vigorously as the person in the closet got closer to Rina , how can she fucking not feel anybody behind her ? The figure grabs Rina by the back of her shirt and drags her out the bed and into the living room . Her screams echo through the house , shes kicking and grabbing at any and everything that's in her reach . Out of no where the figure releases their grip on Rina and a shadow ... a dark shadow appears out of no where , picks Rina up and then disappears into thin air . All of this is so mind boggling I don't even know where it took her or who it is or nothing ! Coming back into reality I storm out the bedroom and continue to leave until I hear that creepy fuckin voice . " Shes buried alive ... "

"BURIED WHERE ?!" I scream throughout the house "King ... David ... look for her before its too late .." King david ? what the hell is that ? where the hell is that ? Fuck fuck fuck ... Jogging out to my car I drive until I'm far from Rina's house , what the fuck is king David !? Driving pass all these establishments , I pass a place that caught my attention , making a u turn I get a closer look and see that's it's a place called King David cemetery ! Shit I found it ! A cemetery tho ..? Oh shit a cemetery .. She's fucking buried alive ! God I'm an idiot ! I pull up into the parking lot and hop out to see that this cemetery is at least a fucking neighborhood! How am I gonna find her throughout all these tombs ? It's like a small city !

I look around to see there's a girl at a help desk . " Excuse me ! Hey !!" I say while running up to her . She stumbles backwards and starts to curse under her breath once she gains her balance .

" yeah ?!" She says with an attitude , she's gonna be an issue I can already tell . " uh yeah ! Did anybody drop off a body here today ?"

" yup." She was while emphasizing the P . " look , I don't have time for you bullshit okay ? I need you to help me so if you could just-" I was interrupted by her cackling laughter " yo look , I'm pretty sure you have all the time in the world , who ever you're looking for is dead so I'm sure I can take my precious time ." She says laughing once again . Pissed off with her lack of respect and compassion , I yolk her up by neck and calmly tell her what I need from her .

" the body that came in today , was it a male or female ?" Her eyes widen for an unknown reason and her face immediately turns pink . I'm talking in the most calm tone I can .
" it-it was a female .." She stutters . Good now we're getting somewhere .

"describe her ."

" I-I don't know . I only know names, gender & where they're placed . You have to ask the care taker ." Shit ! " take me to the caretaker, now !"


Rina's POV
One mischievous little woodpecker
Another day, pecking your holes
Ruining the woods, tree wrecker
The angry old forest god turned your poor beak into a poison knife
Poor little wood pecker
Your nesting holes are all tainted, your food with toxins rife
Touch your friends, and they all will die falling at your feet
Oh, sad little woodpecker
Poisonous tears, shining brightly, as they stream down your cheeks .

I feel like I've been in here forever . I don't even know what day it is .. Or where I'm at .. That song always kept me calm when I was little , amazing how it still keeps me calm now .. Sad little woodpecker . If being with Abel means to have to go through this then maybe I don't wanna be with him , no man is worth this much trouble . I feel like in that song , he's the woodpecker . And whoever or whatever he touches or gets close to dies and perish into nothing but ashes and memories .. I think at least 3 days has passed I don't know how long I'll be able to hold off on surviving on my own blood for the baby .. I can't even transport out of here,this small box is gonna be the death of me . I've been bit by so many unknown things while down here , I'm surprised I haven't evaporated yet . I feel myself getting weaker by the hour , by the time anybody finds me I'll be nothing but ashes . If someone does find me that is .

When people die they can see into the future for about 7 minutes & I think that's what's happening to me now . I can see myself giving birth to my child with Abel by my side & I can see me walking down the aisle with my baby girl tossing flowers up in the air , and I can see Abel's tears drop on to the floor as he says his vowels to me and I can see us living happily in eternity together and I can feel myself dying . I can feel whatever life I had inside me being drained out by the lack of oxygen and poisonous gases that's being injected into this small coffin and I can feel every painful memory fade away ...

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