Chapter 6

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Nerina's POV

1 week later

I awoken the next day on the living room floor with my arms caressing a pillow . I get up to find Abel in the kitchen staring at the magnets in awe , I walk and sit down next to him as he leaned his head on my shoulders .

" A-Abel ... sorry." He says sighing .

" for what ? You didn't do anything ."

" for .. Being ...." He pauses as he struggles to get his words out .

" Stupid ! I STUPID !"

" come here . You're not stupid , look at me right now Abel !" I cup his face in my hands and look at him dead in his eyes.

" you're not stupid do you understand me ? Don't you ever let anybody or anything tell otherwise do you hear me ? You are a beautiful , intelligent , kind , humble man and you make others happy without even trying . And if somebody tries to tell you any thing other than that you rip them to fucking shreds until there is nothing left ! Got it ?" he nods his head telling me he understands .

Silence fills the kitchen until Abel reaches for a squeeze bottle of chocolate and begins to make a mess.

" let's go into the bathroom with that." I say . He runs down the hall way into the bathroom laughing and screaming like a manic . It's darling if I say so myself , this is what having children must be like.

Walking into the bathroom Abel has stripped himself of everything but his underwear . Playing with and eating the chocolate , he seems to be having such a grand time with this .

" don't get it in your hair ." Cause heaven know I down know how to clean hair like his . A few minutes of sitting in the tub , I decide to get him cleaned up so we can go and buy him some new clothes cause living in his boxers and naked all the time around here isn't cutting it .

Sitting on the toilet , I block out all the sounds and concentrate on Abel being clean .

A minute later I look up to see Abel clean and good as new .

" m-m-magic ?"

" something like that . Let's go get you some new clothes."


Arriving at the mall , I cover Abel's hair and gave him some aviators , last thing we need is a crowd of screaming girls asking for pictures and autographs and he can barely walk straight .

Going into a store called forever 21 we head to the men's section and grab abel 5 pairs of jeans and some solid color shirts . Walking through the crowded store , we bump into a serious number of people . It's like we're invisible or something do they not see us ? Standing in line , I've noticed that Abel hasn't said anything since we arrived here .

" Ay love, You alright ? You seem a little quiet ." He looks at me and simply rests his head against my shoulder and sighs . Poor baby , he must be so tired of feeling like this , I know the real him is trapped inside of him and is struggling to even talk right now .

" next !"

I grab Abel's arm as we walk up to the register and pay for his items . I pull out my wallet and the lady a $100 bill .
Folding and bagging everything she hands me the bag and my change .

" thank you ." I say . Walking out of the store and heading back to the car , i snatch Abel's hat off. Its like 78 degrees in Nevada , wouldnt want him to have a heat stroke . Getting into the car & buckling our seat belts, we drive off down the street .

" Abel .. " he turns his head from the window and look at me .

" do you remember where your house is ? Where the rest of your things are ?" I ask . He just stares at me completely lost , maybe we should buy more clothes .. And underwear , cause this could take a while ..

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