Chapter 22

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(Disclaimer: Rose is , the same Rose from the town and my new story that's being co written with brxookie , she's perfectly normal and sane in this story. So is any other characters from The Town. In this story their character is completely different and I changed the characters of what angel and Anya should look like.)

Angel's POV

"I had so much fun babe." Rose says grabbing my hand . I look down at her short frame and kiss her forehead .

"Me too, you know how much I love art and you." Her face turns red instantly as she smiles . I run my hair through my curls as we walk down the boardwalk hand in hand.

"Oh my god , Angel !" A girl runs up to me with the biggest smile ever .
" I love you and your dad and your sister. Can I get a picture with you?"

"Sure love." I look at Rose as she smiles and heads into Johnny Rockets. I take the picture with the girl and follow her on IG . "You know you're really pretty, your man is a lucky dude." I say .

"Oh, I don't have one." She says blushing. I take her phone and insert my number in. "What's your name?" I ask.


"Call me tonight."
"But isn't that your girlfriend you were holding hands with?"

"Nah, she's my cousin. She's having some boy trouble so I decided to take her out and cheer her up."

"You're so sweet. I'll def call you tonight." She smiles & starts power walking to where her friends are and I can hear them squealing and screaming as I walk away . I wink at her before entering Johnny Rockets , I quickly scan the place for Rose as I see her in a booth talking to some tall blonde who is oh so bad & also wearing a black lives matter t shirt. I walk towards them as Rose gets up to greet me as if she wasn't walking with me a few minutes ago. "Babe , this is my best friend Spencer. Spencer this is Angel , remember I was telling you about him."

Spencer ^"Yeah

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Spencer ^
"Yeah . Hi, how are you?" She has this lustful look in her eyes while dragging her words slowly .

"Good . You?" I say trying to avoid eye contact.

"Great." She smiles .

"Babe , order for us please ? I have to use the restroom & try to get to know Spencer . I know she's a little socially retarded and weird but she's my bestfriend , be nice please?" Did she really just quote mean girls ? Maybe I shoulda stuck with black girls .

"Of course I'll be nice." She kisses my cheek and sashays to the bathroom . I sit down and start to talk to spencer who actually is very intelligent and not socially retarded ? I shake that out my head and continue to listen to Spencer .

"So she's all like 'you're white , why so you care about the minorities and what these cops do to black people? I mean it's sad but it ain't us.If they were to go back to their own country there would be no black lives matter."Like bitch you have the nerve to even say some dumb shit like that. White people took this land from the native Americans , slaughtered the men and children and raped the women . Gave them
Diseases , thanksgiving is a fucking genocide holiday & no one even knows or cares." Damn she woke as fuck for a blonde bitch.

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