The Hunkyhair's POV

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"Sure," Foster whispered back, "But now I have to play 2 epic things." she said winking at him.

Did... Did.. Foster just flirt with him? SHE JUST FLIRTED WITH HIM! Right? OH MY GODS! OH APHRODITE FINALLY ANSWERED! Yes... Keefe did spend 25 minutes after he got back to Shores of Solace talking to Aphrodite. Got a problem? Say that to his face. A/N: I say that a lot... like way too much...

Keefe made the mistake by staring at Foster for too long in shock she waved her hand infront of his face, causing him to jump back, a lot. And he still had an arm around Foster.. 'Uh Oh... That's not going to end well.' Keefe thought.

"Keefe!" Foster yelled, as she fell on him. Sophie Elizabeth Foster. Keefe Sencen's crush, was on top of him. Embarrassing? Even more embarrassing than when Aphrodite was stuck in a net with Ares. Trapped by HER HUSBAND HEPHAESTUS!!!

"What's going on here?" someone with a very stern voice said. Aw Styx. Fitz.

"Nothing!" Keefe said earnestly, "Foster here decided it would be a good idea to wave her hand infront of the Lord Hunkyhair and scare him. WHEN he had his arm around her shoulder." Keefe said playfully glaring at Foster who promptly turned bright red.

"Sorry," she mumbled, "but does someone mind helping me up?"

Foster somehow turned even darker when Fitz held her by waist pulling her up. A pleased wave hit Keefe... hard... Keefe arm shot down to his stomach hoping it would calm the uneasy ness of the pleased wave. Yes... Empathy is weird.

Foster seemed to have noticed, "You okay? Keefe? You look a little pale in the face." A/N: Is it bad it reminded me of this pickup line I heard, "Hey you look a little pale in the face. I think you are lacking a bit of vitamin me." LMHO sorry- oh btw I'm not sure but I think it was from the "How I Fell In Love Triology." not sure who made it though.

Keefe waved her off, "I'm fine....but maybe lay low on the wave of concern you're hitting me?" he added when he felt another jab of unease.

"OKAY! LET'S PLAY ANOTHER GAME!" Biana squealed breaking the tension.

Foster sighed, "So long for sleeping," she said as she stepped out of Fitz's grip, who sent Keefe another wave of disappointment causing more unease.

"Keefe... Are you sure you're okay? You've turned green from pale." Foster said her worry crease appearing again. Awww... she looked cute.. AH SNAP OUT OF IT KEEFE {not telling you my middle name} SENCEN!

"I'm fine Foster... Really Sophie," he added when she shook her head.

Sophie pouted, "Fine... but I still want to sleep." Marella stood up again. "NEVER MIND I DON'T WANNA!" Sophie yelled. Marella promptly sat back down.

"Okay.... Umm, Movie night?" Foster tried. Biana looked at her perfectly shaped nails,

"Honey... I'm sure you know the answer." Biana said staring Foster right in the eye. Foster sighed in surrender.

"Hey... what about that human game you were telling me about... Monopoly?" Dex asked his head tilted.

Foster's head shot up, "NO NO NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!" she started to yell.

"Okay geez just a suggestion..." Dex said his hands up in surrender, but Biana, "Okay... now we have to play this... how do we play?" Biana squealed.

Keefe felt a wave of annoyance hit him. But he didn't really feel the usual unease. THANK THE GODS! But Foster was clearly annoyed.

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