Keefe's POV

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Keefe wasn't embarrassed that Fitz, Gizel, and Ro had caught him sobbing underneath his sheets... but when Sophie walked in.  Boy, was he glad she's not an empath... 

Yet at least... 

"Keefe?"  He had heard her soft voice first, "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," Keefe said. 'Well, that didn't sound convincing,' he thought. 

Keefe heard soft footsteps near him, "You don't sound fine..." she pulled the blanket off of Keefe, "Nor do you look fine."  

Keefe looked up at the girl, her golden blonde hair pouring down her shoulders, her mouth set into a twisted frown. 

Not like the fact she isn't smiling, "I'm offended Foster," Keefe said, "I'm very fine." Keefe's lips twitched to a small smile when she tilted her head back and laughed. 

Skeptically, Sophie looked down at Keefe, "Are you still upset? Over Bianca?" 

Keefe nodded, deciding to be honest, "IT'S NOT FAIR! WHAT ABOUT NICO!" 

Regret washed over him when he saw Sophie wince. Sophie then murmured something quietly, 

"The what?" Keefe asked, confused. 

"The-" she started, "you know what. Never mind. So... are you fine now?" Keefe almost laughed at that question, smiling he said, 

"Way better now Foster, is Fitzy Poo still here?" 

That adorable smile made a way onto her face, "Mhm, he's still here." 

*      *      *

"So... you sobbed over a fictional character's death." Fitz asked while Ro snorted. 

"It was a sad death." Keefe argued, a blush rising up his face from embarrassment, it was kind of pathetic to cry over a fictional character death, "and at least I didn't snort over someone dying." 

Yes, Keefe did want to talk to Fitz after Sophie left, but... Not about him sobbing. And Ro wasn't making it any better. 

Fitz winced at Keefe's comment. Shaking his head Fitz asked, "I still don't get why you cried, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over to Everglen." 

"Aww," Keefe cooed, "Fitzy Poo missed me?"  Fitz rolled his eyes, 

"No... Biana left to Sophies house and Dex was busy babysitting his siblings and Tam said he wants to be alone. And Linh... was supposed to meet up with Biana so..." 

"And here I thought I was your first choice, that hurts Fitzy..." 

Fitz sighed, "Well, I'm glad you're fine." 

"I'm always fine." Keefe said. Fitz groaned, 

"Are you coming? Or not?" 

"I'm coming.... Can I get some Mallowmelt though?" 

"KEEFE." Fitz groaned. 

A/N: another short one.... Im not really a fan of this one.. and im so sorry that my updates aren't so... good... but who knew i would be busy during summer break to *cue the eye roll* well..... until next time

mysterious ms. L out! --> 

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