Keefe's POV

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His best friend, his crush, HOPEFULLY, his future girlfriend, and his best friend's EX were asleep in his arms. IN HIS BEST FRIEND'S EX'S HOUSE. After a cryfest. Okay, maybe she didn't cry that much but..... Yeah.

Foster suddenly shifted in his arms. She lay her head on his chest, her arms wrapping around his waist.

"Oh this would be awesome blackmail," Keefe whispered to no one in particular while blushing.

Foster shifted, murmuring. Keefe froze, not wanting to wake her up.

She finally stopped shifting, pulling her legs closer to her... well them considering they were...... Wait... would it mean they were cuddling? Cause it was Foster who... yeah.......

Keefe yawned. "Oh styx. DON'T FALL ASLEEP!" he whispered to himself.

He yawned again.

"CURSE YOU HYPNOS! YOU TOO APHRODITE!" Keefe whisper-hissed.

Foster shifted her hands, wrapping her arms tighter. This was going to be hard to explain tomorrow. Especially to Biana... that girl was basically an elf version of Aphrodite.

Keefe slowly felt the sleep taking over him.


Sunlight. Sunlight was the first thing Keefe saw when he woke up. He tried to lift his hand up to stretch.... Something was on it-

Oh wait... OH WAIT..!

"Foster!" Keefe hissed slightly, shaking the sleeping girl in his arms.

Foster mumbled something, turning in Keefe's arms.

"SOPHIE!" he said louder, hoping he would wake up.

She shot up in shock, "What... what.. OH..." she said, pushing herself to the other side of the couch.

"I'm sorry." she said cover her mouth with her hand, blushing furiously.

"It's alright," Keefe whispered, "we should get back before someone finds out that we're missing."

Foster nodded, looking down. Clearly still embarrassed.

"Let's go." she said, her face still tomato red.

Keefe slid down the cough and looked out the window.

"Oh Gods, Marella might have woken up." Foster mumbled, while combing her hair back with the tips of her fingers.

Keefe nodded, tousling his own hair. He's gotta look good for the ladies.

Foster got off the couch and walked out the door. Probably trying to get away from Keefe teasing her. He did feel waves of embarrassment and humiliation. Oh she wasn't getting out of this.

"Hey Foster," Keefe said with a sly smirk.

Foster sighed, her red face finally fading away. Well that's gonna change.

"What?" she asked, slowing her pace.

"Did you enjoy your night?" Keefe teased, trying to stop himself from blushing by smiling wide.

Foster blushed. Keefe felt a wave of.... NO...... Wait.... Is- is this the day... he'd been waiting for... did she just feel... No.. it was too good to be true. 

Foster then scoffed, "You wish," she said, bopping him on his nose as she quickened her pace, shooting a teasing smile behind her shoulder.

Keefe chuckled as he quickened his own pace.

Both Foster and Keefe then continued to walk in comfortable silence.

Suddenly Foster stopped, "Shh" she said.

She peeked through a door.

'The room where they had the sleepover' Keefe realized.

"Everyone's still asleep. Slowly and QUIETLY! Get into your sleeping bag. The bodyguards are at the other door, we don't want to alarm them." Foster said.

Keefe nodded slowly walking into the room. Thankfully, his night vision was helping him.

Keefe made it to his sleeping bag and noticed that Foster, SOMEHOW managed to make it to her sleeping bag without tripping. Huh... IT'S A FREAKING MIRACLE! 

Foster looked over to Keefe and shot him a tired smile as she quietly sunk down to the floor and wrapped her arms around herself. 

Keefe smiled. Watching Foster as her eyes kept closing as she slowly dozed down to sleep, and then her head shooting up as she tries to stop herself. Oh, while blushing if Keefe might add. 

Keefe looked up at the roof and sighed. He was thinking of last night. 

Did- Did Foster really care? Or... was it just to make him feel better? 

It was probably the latter.. after all, why would a girl like Sophie Foster care about a broken boy like him, Keefe Sencen.  Keefe heaved a heavy sigh as thoughts swirled around his head. 

Keefe allowed himself one last glance at Foster- who had finally dozed off- and let himself doze off too...

Okay so this has been rewritten as the last on eas really cringe....... anyway- 

hope you like it... 

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