Fitz's POV

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"Keefe... No..." Fitz trailed off, watching him throwing Mallowmelt up in the air and trying to catch it with his mouth. 

"I GOT IT!" Keefe screamed for the umpteenth time, causing the Mallowmelt to fall out his mouth. 

"Not again!" he cried, "That was my last piece! AND IT FELL TO THE GROUND!" 

Fitz sighed, "Keefe... If you're done eating, I need to talk to you." 

" Bout what?" Keefe asked his mouth filled with food. 


"Sophie." Fitz said, rolling his eyes at Keefe's manners. 

Fitz noticed Keefe's head snap up at her name, 

"What about Foster?" he asked suspiciously. 

Fitz shook his head, "What's going on with you guys? You guys are always together-" 

"Look," Keefe cut in. "Nothing is going on. She just invited me over to listen to this audiobook..." 

"Which I'm unhealthily obsessed with..." he added as an afterthought. 

"Keefe," Fitz sighed, as much as Fitz liked Keefe, he was too playful for serious talk, "Look, it's not that.. well maybe just a little bit of that, but... " 

"Fitz," Keefe shook his head, "I'm not sure exactly what you're worried about but I'm pretty sure it's because of how much you like her... And I can't do anything about you liking her, or me liking her too... I can't do anything. I just do like her." 

Keefe closed his eyes, "I can't do anything about whoever she likes too... if she likes you great, I'm going to respect that decision, if she likes me... I can't do much, but hope you'll respect her decision." 

Fitz blinked, he didn't expect Keefe to blurt out this whole speech. 

Keefe opened his eyes, "I should go, Thanks for the mallowmelt." 

"Yeah," Fitz muttered, "I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked. 

"Tomorrow." Keefe agreed. 

A/N: Well? Was that good? Idk where that whole speech think sprouted from.. but... I think Fitz should really hear that irl. 


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