Sophie's POV

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Sophie inhaled the salty smell of the beach at Shores of Solace. 

"Right this way Blondie," Ro said walking to the front entrance, "Hunkyhair right now is a mess... but don't let that change your mind on anything..." 

Sophie shot Ro a confused look, "What? What do you mean?" 

Ro gave her an exasperated look, "If you know... Then you know...If you don't... I don't know what to tell you blondie." 

"That's a little cryptic Ro." Sophie said, Ro shrugged, 

"Like I said-" 

Sophie interrupted, "Okay where's Keefe?" 

"In his room... behind a fort of pillows." Fitz said, "And under a blanket." 

"O-okay." Sophie blinked. "Okay... this is going to be weird. " She wiped her sweaty hands on her tunic. 

Fitz rolled his eyes, "I'll come with you." Sophie shook her head, 

"Maybe not... I don't think that's a good idea."  

Sophie pushed the door open to the house and walked in, her thoughts were a jumble, 

Why is he still crying over Bianca... Well, she is- was a great character but... She then shook her head, after all she had refused to eat for a few days after she found out Biana died but... she hadn't cried. 

After walking through the narrow hallways, she finally reached Keefe's room- in the very back. 

"Good luck," a chorus of Fitz's, Ro's and Grizel's voice announced from behind Sophie. 

Sophie took in a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Come in," a raspy voice called from behind the door.  

"Keefe?" Sophie said, "Are you okay?" 

A sniffle came from this fort of pillows near Keefe's bed, "I'm fine. 

"You don't sound fine," Sophie said, walking toward the fort, she pulled of the blanket revealing a tear-streaked Keefe with his face all red. "Nor do you look fine." 

"I'm offended Foster, I'm very fine." he said through hiccups. Sophie laughed out loud, 

"Are you still upset?" Sophie asked, "Over Bianca?"  

He nodded, "IT'S NOT FAIR! WHAT ABOUT NICO!" Sophie winced at him screaming, 

"I should show you the fan fictions..." she murmured quietly. 

"The what?" Keefe asked. 

"The- you know what. Never mind. So... are you fine now?" Sophie asked, knowing how pathetic that question was.  

Keefe smiled, "Way better now Foster, is Fitzy Poo still here?" he asked. 

"Mhm, he's here," Sophie said with a small smile, this boy was just too adorable. 

A/N: you guys... im officially the stupidest person in the world

I wrote out this chapter- which had way more words... but I didn't save it... and after a few days I was like "OH CRAP i forgot to post the chapter" to realize it didnt fricking save.... sorry for the wait i feel so bad.... 

anyway.... Ill start writing the next chapter AND make sure i click save next time ;). 

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