Chapter 2

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"Finnick, you're the only one," you whispered. "The only boy. You'll..." you choked on your tears as they streamed from your face, clinging tightly to Finnick. Your buried your head into the crook of his neck as he rocked the two of you back and forth, holding you just as tightly. His tears soaked through your shirt, and your hands shook as you ran them through his hair. 

"But you're not," Finnick mumbled, his body shaking. "You'll be alright." 

"I'm coming with you," you wept. "If Mags gets called I'll volunteer... I'll--"

"--No," Finnick said, pulling away and clutching your face in both of his hands. His thumb wiped away your tears as he pressed his forehead against yours. "Listen to me y/n. If only one of us is reaped then we have a chance. If both of us... Snow won't allow a repeat of last years games. They made a mockery of The Capitol. Only one person's getting out of this." 

"But you can't leave me," you sobbed, and he pulled you back into his chest. You could hear his heart beating at a million miles and hour as your grip tightened, balling your hands into fists around the material on his cardigan. 

"Promise me y/n," Finnick said. "Promise me you won't volunteer." 

"I can't," you said as he pleaded, dropping to his knees in front of you and holding his hands together. 

"Please y/n. Don't," he whispered. You dropped to your knees too.

"Finnick." You said his name tenderly as you placed a hand on his cheek, and suddenly there was a pounding at the door.

"All victors are required at the Reaping!" A Peacekeeper shouted. 

"It's gonna be alright," Finnick said, as you shuffled away from the noise fearfully. He got to his feet, gently pulling you with him. "Come on." 

"All victors are required at the Reaping!" the voice shouted again.

"We can run," you begged. "Cross the border into 11. They won't find us."

"And if they don't, they'll take it out on the entire district," Finnick said, and then he stared at you. "I want a life with you y/n, more than anything in the world. We could--" But whatever plan he had was lost as the Peacekeepers patience wore thin. 

"--All victors are required at--"

"--enough!" Finnick screamed, and the pounding stopped. The silence was deafening as he marched to the door, flung it open, and stared down the Peacekeeper until he'd taken several steps away from the house. "We're coming." 

The Peacekeeper nodded and marched to the end of the path, and as you joined Finnick by the door, you saw Mags standing with them. She was 80 years old. If she was reaped, she stood no chance. Then you looked into the distance to see the children of the district being marched into the centre of town. If you fled now, they'd be dead by morning. 

"Whatever happens," you told Finnick. "I love you." You said it platonically, but for nine years you meant it as more.

"I love you to," Finnick replied, and unknown to you, he meant it as more too. He kissed your forehead gently, and your fingers intertwined as the two of you walked down the steps together. When you reached Mags, the two of you embraced her. She couldn't speak, but the way she stroked your hair calmed you more than words could.

The three of you were bundled into the back of a car and driven to the reaping. It took place in the centre of town; carts and stalls were cleared, making way for a giant stage. Atop it, there were two clear balls filled with the names of those in the reaping ballot. Normally there'd be hundreds, if not thousands of names, with the name of every child between the ages of 12 and 18 inside. At age 12, you only had to put your name in once. At age 13, twice, 14, thrice and so on. On top of that, those who wanted a tessera i.e: a years supply of grain and oil for one person could put their name in as many times in correlation to how many people they wanted to provide for. The point being, there was meant to be a sea of paper, but when the Peacekeeper shoved you out of the car and towards the steps of the stage, there were two pieces of paper in the girls bowl, and one in the boys.

You reached for Finnick's hand again; you'd barely let go since the announcement had been made, but a Peacekeeper grabbed your wrists, yanking you from each other as he dragged you and Mags onto the stage. Finnick tried to protest, but the Peacekeepers were trigger happy, and training a gun on you bought his silence as he was placed on the other side of the stage. As the crowd fell silent, the Capitol anthem played, and you watched as a woman walked on stage. Dressed in the most outlandish attire possible, with hair stacked so high it was a wonder she didn't break her neck, and heels so high it was a wonder she didn't break her ankles either, the woman tapped the microphone, causing a painful swell of feedback.

Her name was Effie Trinket, and she was a darling of The Capitol. Normally acting as an escort for District 12, you were surprised to see her, but also relieved to an extent. She was, and perhaps it was only through association with Katniss Everdeen, on the side of the Rebellion. She caught your eye and smiled sadly.

"Welcome, welcome. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour," she said, putting on a falsely happy voice. "The time has come for us to select one courageous young man and woman, for the honour of representing District 4 in the 75th Annual Hunger Games." Effie glanced to the bowl on her left - your bowl - and then to her right. You looked at Finnick, a tear rolling down your cheek as he stared blankly into the audience, back straight and hands rigidly behind his back. He didn't want to give Snow the slightest satisfaction of putting him through this again. 

"Well, I would normally say, as usual, ladies first," Effie said, "but as we celebrate the 75th anniversary and 3rd Quarter Quell, this is anything but usual. So... gentlemen." She walked over to the bowl, heels clacking against the wood, and despite there being only one piece of paper, waved her hand about like she had a choice of what to pick. When she grabbed the folded piece, your breath hitched in your throat. She walked back to the microphone, opened it, and:

"The male tribute from District 4. Finnick Odair," she called. You could have heard a penny drop as Finnick walked to her side. "Wonderful," Effie said, but her voice was cracking as a tear drew a line through her thick makeup. "And now, for the ladies." She reached into your bowl and you took Mags' hand with a supportive squeeze as Finnick watched Effie's every moment. When she grabbed the paper you thought you might throw up; it was a moment you never thought you'd have to be a part of again.

Effie opened the paper and put her lips to the microphone. "The female tribute from District 4. Mags Flanagan." 

The words left your mouth before anyone could stop you. "I volunteer as tribute," you said, firmly stepping in front of Mags.

"y/n," Finnick cried, but you ignored the pained look on his face. Mags grabbed your arm, tugging you back, but you gently pulled yourself free of her grip. 

"It's ok Mags," you said, trembling. "It's ok." 

"Well, here we are," Effie said as you took your place next to her. "Our tributes from District 4. y/n y/l/n, and Finnick Odair." She grabbed both of your hands and raised them in the air, but instead of applause, the crowd shuffled uncomfortably. Then, despite being surrounded by Peacekeepers, citizens began to raise their hands in the air in solidarity with the rebellion, in unity against the capital, and you heard the whistle of the Mockingjay, the one that had been started by Katniss Everdeen a year prior.

The Peacekeepers converged on the crowd, weapons raised. The spark was becoming a flame. You tried to take a step forward to help the people, but cried out as a Peacekeeper grabbed you. Immediately Finnick socked him one, but all that did was earn him the butt of a gun to the ribs and he cried out, dropping to the ground. You tried to get to him but another Peacekeeper yanked your arm, and before you knew it, your legs had been kicked out from under you, and you were being dragged behind the curtain. 

"New plan," the head Peacekeeper, a man called Romulus Thread whom you despised with a passion spat. "Straight to the train."

You didn't know where Finnick was. That frightened you. We're they planning on keeping you separated until training began? Or worse, until the games began? To the sounds of screams and gunfire, you were shoved roughly onto the train taking you to the Capitol, and before you could say a word, the doors slammed shut and it started to move.

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