Chapter 4

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You hated the capitol. The architecture was stunning, and the landscape was something you'd never get used to looking at, but all of it was undermined by the people and the iron fist with which President Snow ruled. When the train had pulled in, it had been at an underground station; one completed barred off. That didn't stop the mass of drone cameras flashing in your face, and the spectators leaning over the bollards, yelling and throwing things as you were shepherded into the base of the Tribute Centre. Some of the yells were of congratulations, and someone managed to throw a rose in your arms, but some of the yells were streams of profanity, and you narrowly avoided being egged in the face.

Finnick had always been better at public appearances than you. You could never hide the scowl on your face, or the daggers you gave people. But people loved him, and he played into that innocence with a pearly white smile and eager wave that earnt him nothing but roses and adoration. Of course, his charm and good looks played into that too, and you could almost taste the sick in your mouth as you passed a crowd of women who swooned when he winked at them. Then, when he wrapped his arm around you, whispering, "smile," and you did, you found that a lot of the booing turned to cheers.

You were nothing but a game to the Capitol, and unfortunately, this was winning. 

You noticed that Peeta and Katniss were in the same boat. Everyone loved Peeta and the lovesick character he played, although in your opinion it was more than an act. Katniss was defensive, and like you, struggled to fake any happiness for the Capitol, but when Peeta grabbed her hand and raised it above their heads, the onlookers went wild, and Katniss' smile eventually appeared.

After a minute or so, the entourage disappeared as Haymitch swung open the door to the building and ushered you all inside. 

"Alright," Effie clapped as he jabbed at the elevator button. "District 4, floor 4," she said as you all bundled in. "They have wardrobes the size of a lobby. Pick out something nice and meet us up on 12." You and Finnick nodded, and the short ride to the 4th floor was nothing if not awkward. When the door dinged open, the two of you took a step out, and then you turned back.

"Haymitch. Effie. Thank you, for taking us in," you said quietly and they both nodded. Effie looked tearful as the doors shut.

"They didn't have a choice," Finnick muttered.

"I know." 

His mood when he didn't have to fake it had plummeted since the news of Mags, and you thought it best not to push him. The building was hollowed out, and each floor had a balcony running the expanse of the hallway that looked over the centre, and he turned, gripping the railings tightly as he let his head drop. You walked over silently, and put a hand on his back.

"Finnick," you whispered. "I'm sorry about Mags." 

"She would have died anyway," he said. "This years games, it's created to destroy the Victors. You think they wouldn't have gone after her? You think they won't go after every Victor who thinks they got lucky not having to go through this hell again?" He turned on you, red in the face, and you nodded solemnly. "The reaping was just a show. The Hunger Games doesn't stop at the edge of the arena."

"I know... We're all dead," you replied. "But I'll be damned if I ain't going out swinging." You held out your hand to him, and the corner of his lips turned up slightly as he took it, and the two of you walked to your room. 

It was a building inside a building, and you were shocked at the size of the space. An Avox welcomed you in and you smiled kindly at her, although she was permitted as little eye contact as possible. She walked the two of you through an open plan kitchen, dining room and living room, and up a flight of glass stairs to two bedrooms. 

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