Hey guys! I know yall want another chapter. One person wanted Lost Cites Au. No one else said anything, so Lost Cites it is! I will make another book for oneshots. It will be published after this book. Well, onto the story!
Wait, where's Biana?
Sophie went downstairs to find Grady and Edaline talking.
"Grady? Edaline?"
"Yes, my darling?" Edaline said,
"Where's Biana?"
Grady and Edaline looked at each other.
"I think you need to sit down for this."
Sophie's heart crashed like stone. The only times they say this is when something bad happened. She sat down.
"So you know how your kidnappers haven't been caught yet?"
Sophie nodded. But the word kidnap made her shudder.
"Well, Biana wasn't rescued."
Sophie froze, tears building in her eyes. Grady and Edaline gave her a big hug as tears fell down her face.
"I'm going to help them find her. I was just about to leave. I promise she will be found by someone soon. I will be back next week." Grady said.
A few minutes later, Grady left.
"Sophie, I know you and Keefe are dating. So does Grady. He has a hard time struggling not to strangle him. Would you like Keefe over?"
"Yes." Sophie said, not caring they knew.
Sophie went upstairs, hesitating before picking up her imparter. She picked it up anyway. The next thing she knew, she was hailing Keefe.
"Can you come over.." Sophie said softly.
"I'll be right there." Keefe said.
Sophie hung up.
Sophie grabbed Ella and curled up into a ball. Everything didn't feel right without Biana. Sophie silently cried. Then she felt someone gently grabbing her hand. Sophie looked up.
"It's ok, Foster. She'll be back soon." Keefe said as he sent cool breezes.
"W-what if they never find her in time." Sophie said.
Keefe put his arms around Sophie.
"They will. I know they will."
Sophie broke down in Keefes' arms. He comforted her as she cried.
"I love you, Keefe." Sophie said a few minutes later.
"I love you too, Foster."
"I'm hungry." I randomly said.
"Then I'll be back." Keefe said, heading for the door.
He came back with Mallowmelt. They ate while talking. A few minutes later, they just sat.
Sophie leaned on Keefe. He put his arms around her. Sophie fell asleep in Keefes arms.
I woke up comfortably in my bed. Keefe was gone. He had left a note.
Dear Foster,
I left an hour after you fell asleep. Check your texts.
Lord Hunkyhair
Sophie laughed. She got her phone to check her texts.
Sophie's Phone
Keefe ❤️
I have news on Biana. And don't worry, it's not bad. Come to Everglen at 4:00 today. Love you.
Sophie's mood shifted. Even if Keefe said it wasn't bad news, it still made her uncomfortable. She didn't want to go to Everglen, but she still decided to anyway.
She changed 30 minutes before she went to Everglen. She took out her crystal and yelled out, "EVERGLEN." She arrived and saw many faces there. Keefe, Fitz, Alden, Della. Then she saw a face that made her extremely happy.