Excusive Scenes and Info.

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Ok, let's start with the info.

1. I will be making a Chose your story. You have choices throughout the story, and you will be with the main character. It will be after this story, though.

2. I forgot to add info about their ages in this story and stuff, so here.

Sophie Foster.


Lover:Keefe Sencen

Keefe Sencen


Lover:Sophie Foster

Biana Vacker


Lover:Unknown for now

Fitz Vacker


Lover:Unknown for now

So far, that's it.

3. I need ideas! Please comment anything if you have an idea, and I might add it to the story. I will tag you if I pick your idea.


This takes place 2 days before Biana was found.

Keefe walked in on Sophie crying.

He held her hand, sending cool breezes.


"I'm here, Foster. I'm here. Now tell me what happened."

"You're going to think I'm a wimp."

"I would never think that."

"I had a nightmare.. Everyone was dead around me."

"Well, that's not real. It was a nightmare. See, I'm alive!"

Sophie fell asleep.

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