Chp 4. Im not a fan of this

490 7 56

Heheheheh How are you doing..😈

(No ones POV)

'His gaze leaves her hands and gently smiles at her'

'Where it's at?..We don't know where but he usually comes by the evening and brings us gift and goes to the popular bar on the other side of town!..' She points her finger to the other side of the town showing the direction

'Huh?...Well thank you so much! I should be heading out now..goodbye!!..' He smiles at them and waves goodbye continuing on walking to find a shady spot

'Ugh~..Hmm? Its almost evening ...time went fast - . . Then again I spent most of my time looking for Dazai...' He groans as he stomps his feet

'Dazai POV'

'Ugh...What time is it?~...' He groans and turning to the side


'Eh? Oh- ...Oh chuuya!!~....I didn't see you..' He peeks at the side of the bed staring at him

'You. . .YOU BASTARD!! YOU KNEW DAMN WELL..' He shouts at him quickly getting up and dusting off his pants

'Hey~...Calm down ..It's a honest mistake~...And plus I didn't even see you!..' He grins while flopping back on the bed

'YOU LITTLE-..' The conversation is disrupted by the door opening

'They peek out, walking outside the bedroom, and noticing a tall slender man with pale skin and dark circles under his eyes with a long black coat, dark pants with a chain around his neck as more of a necklace style? And a few rings on his finger with a red diamond as he glares at them

'Ah-...Well hello there . .akutagawa!!..' The brunette scoffs and leans onto chuuya's shoulder

'Hello, Chuuya and Dazai..' He bows and greets them while slowly looking up

'Ugh!~...Anyways you know why you were called here?..' He stares down at him then wrapping his arms around chuuya neck

'Yes..' He leans up straight staring at them both

'Get off..Anyways this was a request made by Dazai..' The orange haired shoves him off walking towards the black haired boy

'I see..( DAZAI!! Really wanted me?!...How I must complete this mission!!..)' He stares at them blankly with a straight face

'The brunette walks towards them discussing on what had happened before he arrived ..'

'So you lost your "friend"? ..' The black haired boy seemed a bit confused on how you lose a friend and then leave them

'Ah~...Well you know! But that's why I need your help!..' He grins and then flops down on the couch

'Ugh...So akutagawa are you willing to search?..' The orange hair walks towards the couch sitting on the other side of the brunette

'Yes, I'll help you but I need more details on what your friend looks like..' He coughs and then pulls out a chair from under a circular table in the room

'Ah-..Ok!~...He has sliver/white hair ..his haircut is wonky and his attitude is quite charming!...Well more friendly~...But you will know when you see his hair cut!..' He smiles and grabs a book next to him 'how to raise a dog'

'(Ehhh~...Chuuya reads these books? How dumb~...)' He tosses the book aside and stares at the celling

'So near evening I'd like you to start the hunt for Dazai friend ...' The orange haired boy stares at him with a gently but serious face

'Mhm...Alright . . .Where are the gifts by the way?..' He glances around the room

'Huh? . . .Oh! Yes, yes...Let me find it...' He walks towards a desk next to a window bending downs but grabbing the bags

'(Wow~...Nice ass!~...)' The brunette glances at him smirking and then continuing to look through the book

'Here you go!~...' The orange hair walks towards back to the pale man giving him the bags

'Hmm..Thank you . . .I'll be heading off ...By the time I get there it should be late..I'll look for him then..' He bows and sets off

'Ha!~... Alright are you planning on staying tonight? ..' The orange hair glances at him

'Hmm... I had plan on setting off .. if he found atsushi~...But it's gonna be late by the time he comes so I'll stay!!~...' He grins and then jumps up from the couch walking towards the corner

'Alrig-...' His words cut off by the sudden touch of Dazai hand on his waist

'H-Hey?!...What the hell do you think your doing!!...' He glares at him from behind

'Oh? Nothing much~...Just enjoying this ..' He smiles at him and reaches his hand under chuuyas shirt

'H...HEY?!...N-NOO!!...We can't do this here....SO STOP!!...' He gives him a firm voice holding onto Dazai hand stopping it from going any further

'Awh!~...But chuuya. . .I won't do that job~...' He grins at him

'(You think...that's gonna work?...You bitch!!)..' He Lets go of Dazai hand quickly moving away and slamming him against a desk

'Eh?-...C-Chuuya?~...What are you doing!. . .I'm not a fan of this ..' He nervously smiles

'Ho? Really... Then try something again and your dead..' He leans into the brunette neck whispering

'Oh my?~...I might try more then!~...' He smiles and flips the orange hair onto the table pinning him against the table and leaning into his neck while caressing his chin

'I prefer this position more~....' He whispers into his ear letting a small chuckle out and leaning up staring at him

'Y-YOU!!-...Ugh. . Let go!..' He glares at him

'Alright!~...' He smiles

'They both end up going downstairs having a little dinner they wait for akutagawa to return ..'

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