Chp 16. Sex night

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Hello. . .I kept a straight face for half of this and started giggling so hard.. near the end😍😭

As I will say again smut is continuing ON💀

'Akutagawa stunned expression to seeing Atsushi's facial expression..Atsushi who was drenched in sweat and a bits of Cum on his stomach with a very lustful face, as he was holding his chest while arching his back'

'A-Ah-...Y-You..' Akutagawa feeling his heart race, while gripping Atsushi's waist and holding it firmly,
As he was letting out a low moans

'Ngh~... A-Akutagawa...I good..' Atsushi moans out, while lifting his body up

'Akutagawa watching Atsushi's slide His body up seeing his dick which was drenched, Atsushi looking down at akutagawa as he is moaning..'

'I-I~... I need' Atsushi whines while lifting himself up, seeing akutagawa's dick go "boing"

'Akutagawa completely understanding where he was going with this and letting a small smile out and thrusting himself back into Atsushi's..'

'Ah..A-Ah!~..' Atsushi letting a gasp of air followed along with moaning, his eyes start rolling,

'Akutagawa changing positions to a "Doggy style" while holding back both of Atsushi's wrist with one hand and putting his other on top of his head..'

'Ha~...Damn... your still So fucking tight...~' Akutagawa letting out moans while continuing to thrust inside him

'Atsushi moaning and laying on the bed but his hips and lower are still in the air, biting onto the blanket as he feels himself about to cum .as well as akutagawa'

'Huh?... Are you about to cum..' He leans into Atsushi ear while mumbling and pulling back his hair

'NgH!!~...A-Aku!-..' Atsushi clenching his fist as his face is facing towards akutagawa, He kisses him passionately

'Akutagawa continuing to thrust himself deep into Atsushi's stomach hitting his prostate making him moan like a wild beast...'

'After 7 rounds of sex ..They finally calmed down and went to bed..'

'So ...Chuuya!!~.... I think they went to bed...' The brunette laying down in bed listening to almost everything

'Y-Yeah. . .' Chuuya mumbles while also laying on the bed completely chocked

'So... Ready for bed??~...' Dazai chuckles, while his eyes slowly start to drift

'They fall asleep..Until morning for their "Mission"

'Morning has come the only ones away are Dazai and chuuya, Chuuya is making breakfast and Dazai is making him Coffee'

'The mission is tonight?-..' Chuuya glances at Dazai while making eggs and sausage

'Huh?-... Oh yes-... And if they don't stop we will have to let our little prisoner go!~..' Dazai let's out a sigh while stirring his coffee

'Let him go?-.. I mean if they would stop making people disappear every night..he would be free..' Chuuya mumbles and uses his "Gordan Ramsey" skills to season the sausage

'Ah-... Well we only caught Fyodor ..because his crime~...But it wasn't even that bad of a crime.. Honestly just giving a man a little stabby-stab is harmless!!..' The brunette laughs and glances at the bedroom door

'Ugh-...It's still enough to be sent to prison -..But in order to set him free we have to stop the OTHER idiots ..' Chuuya stomps his foot while turning to the stove on low

'In another place..'

'Sneezes' Wa!~... We should hurry!!~...' Nikolai giggles and skips along the forest

'(Man... I wanna go home. . .)' Sigma sighs while following along behind him..'

'Back to the "main" ..'

'Hmmmm...~ Anyways I wonder when they will get up..~ It's already 9:00..' Dazai smiles and sets his cup down while walking towards the bedroom about to knock on the door

'Hey yo-...' Before Dazai could get his words out the door suddenly opened, akutagawa appearing with dark circles, and dressed with a dark long sleeve shirt that's baggy and sweats, a small but noticeable bite and be seen on his neck

'Ah-... Dazai-...' Akutagawa a bit startled by the sudden figure in front of him and walking out while closing the door behind him

'Ak-...Anyways where Atsushi??~..' He questions staring at the door and backing up a bit

'Oh-... He is uh.. He is sleeping. . . (Damn what do I do..say-..)' He nervously looks away and walks towards the kitchen pouring himself some coffee, and leaning against the counter while drinking it

'The silence was awkward between all of them... Until the door opens appearing Atsushi who was wearing dark-colored shorts and a white T-Shirt..'

'Aha!!~... Your awake~... ' The brunette smiles at him while glancing back at akutagawa who looked like he was in a deep thought

'Eh?-.. Oh yes -..Good Morning' He smiled at them and glanced at akutagawa while blushing a bit and turning away

'(Ahh~...This is gonna be a awkward mission~... I mean I did want them to get close...but wasn't expecting that..)' The brunette shakes his head, before letting a soft laugh out

'So..After breakfast is done.. We should split up and go to families that have a missing relatives or anyone close and ask them just a couple of questions..' Chuuya says with a straightforward tone of voice while he was getting plates out and setting the table

'(Oh yeah the mission... I completely forgot about it after last nigh-...)' Atsushi face blushing and shaking his head before smacking himself in the face

'Ah-..At-...Anyways!!~... Since chuuya made us breakfast ..with love~... We should all eat..' Dazai smiles while glancing at chuuya

'Yes..' Akutagawa coughs and then walks to the table and sits

'Everyone else follows and sits at the table ..It's a silent table but they all dig in to their plates especially Atsushi..'

'Wa!~... I haven't had "Good" cooking ages this is delicious!..' He continues to fill his face up with the food

'Really?-... I'm glad you liked it!-...What about you Dazai..' He glances at him, his plate was clean not even a speck of food to be seen

'Huh?-... Hmmmm~....It wasn't bad..' He glances away staring at the leftovers

'"It wasn't bad"...You licked your plate clean. .' He gives him a look that speaks "I know you liked my cooking

'Ehe...Anyways me and chuuya will leave first.. since clearly someone wants seconds!~...' The brunette smiles while getting up and grabbing his plate and setting it in the sink

'Ah-...Ok-...' Akutagawa mumbles while chewing a egg

'Dazai grabs his trench-coat and chuuya grabs his hat and they both set off outside it's still early to be asking they might be going out to bum around..'

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