Chp 9. Look Its a big misunderstanding

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😍Cleaning my room y'all!-...Well I was..🐟

'Morning has come and Dazai and chuuya had left somewhere to buy the "Gold" as Atsushi and akutagawa still sleeping on the floor ..'

'(Ugh...What time is it?-..)' The sliver boy groans throwing his hands out as they hit hit a hard cold floor

'Ow..Hmm?-..' Feeling a bit of pressure on his chest he sees akutagawa

'Eh?-...A-..Akutagawa?-... . . .AKUTAGAWA!!!' He pushes him off tossing him to the other side of room and hiding his face out of embarrassment

'Coughs' OW?!-...Ugh what the hell....' The black haired boy groaned as he was holding onto his chest

' -...' He coughed and slowly getting up groaning and running his hand through his hair

'A-Akutagawa-... 'coughs' ..So -.. ' Atsushi slowly turns facing him as he also gets up

'They both get ready to say something before the door burst open'

'Hello!!~...Oh-..Your both up-.. Well the moreThe merrier!!~..' The brunette nods as the short one walks in

'Ah-... Dazai, what are you doing here?..' The sliver boy walks up standing beside the black haired boy

'Huh?!~... You already forgot!..(I mean after last night ..) ..' He coughs and then smiles

'The job!!..' He claps his hand while patting the short ones shoulder

Oh-.. OH YEAH!!' He beams with excitement and his eyes sparkling

'Hmm-...' The black haired boy glances at him and then back at the brunette

'Job? Was I not informed of this..' He frowns and questions them both

'Ah-.. Let me explain..' The short one gestures his hand

'So there has been some trouble ..with the other "Royals"... They are known as "The angels" .. While angels might seem all sweet.. They are more dark..and they have been sending out letters to the other royals and the have been disappearing without a trace after reading the letter..' The short one rambles on

'D-Disappearing?!-..' Atsushi was a bit shocked by the disappearance

'Hmm... makes sense a lot of people have been going missing... But you left out the fact that when they do disappear.. Sometimes they can be spotted at night or appear in the day but they aren't exactly there..' Akutagawa gestures with his hand and then letting a sigh out

'Ah-... P-People are seeing them?! But ..they aren't actually there?!!..' The sliver boy gets a dark feeling

'Well anyways!!~... That's why we gotta stop it.. maybe even add a whole war..' The brunette starts giggling

'No-... There isn't war-..But the "Angels" might be doing it for one reason..' The short one puts his hand on Dazai face keeping him quiet

'R-Reason?' The sliver questions a bit nervous for the response

'Ha!~... Well we might have.. took one of their "Assistance" .. and held them hostage!!' The brunette grins

'H-HOSTAGE?! - ..' Atsushi shouts

'Calm down.. tiger..' The akutagawa groans at him

'Dazai and chuuya both glance at each other thinking "Tiger"?..'

'Well anyways!!... That's our "job" .. ' The brunette smiles and claps his hand

'B-But why do we need to go..' The sliver boy groans a bit

'Oh?... Don't tell me your backing out now!.. 'The brunette smiles at him and grabs onto his waist and starts twirling around (Sigma reference)

'Wah?!-...' The sliver boy a bit flustered by the sudden hand placement and the twirling

'Chuuya and akutagawa both glance at each other and glaring at them both dancing ..They both walk towards them and pulling them apart ..Chuuya grabs onto Dazai waist pulling him and akutagawa grabbing onto Atsushi ear and yanking him..'

'OW?!-..' Atsushi feeling his ear getting pulled and getting released by Dazai grasp

'Don't be a foo-..' The black haired boy and the sliver boy both stand there ..

'Rose petals fall.. with a romantic aura surrounding
them.. Dazai holding chuuya as if he was a damsel in distress'

'Oh..Chuuya mustn't be jealous... I'll always love you!!..' The brunette sheds a small tear while holding chuuyas hand

'Oh... Dazai!... You ... you are such a . . .bastard..' Chuuya poses

'Eh-...' Atsushi stares at them.. questioning

'Well Anyways .. We should head out soon..' The brunette sighs

'Ah-... Alright ..' The sliver boy let's out a sigh

'Akutagawa release his grip.. as well as Dazai..'

'Make sure to pack to!..' The brunette smiles and walks out of the room along with chuuya

'P-Pack?-... Wasn't it a one-day thing. . .' Atsushi slowly turns his head In a panic

'Huh?-... Nope!!~... We will be renting a hotel...' The brunette stopped by the door before leaving smiling back at him

'S-Staying the night at...a place that's HAUNTED?!..' Atsushi shouts clinging onto the bed

'Ugh... Stop shouting and start packing-..' Akutagawa groans and starts going through his closet

'B-But...I don't have any pack-..' He sobs

'Oh-... (That's right. . . I had to pick him up..) ..Then just borrow some of my clothes..' He sighs and continues to pack his clothes folding them in a row

'Ok!-... (I don't know what to pack . . . His clothes ..look the same -..) Atsushi groans while looking into his closet looking for a decent shirt

'Just pick already!.. Or-.. Wait I think I have something..' Akutagawa starts searching in a drawer pulling out a bag filled with clothes

'Try these on.. They should fit their chuuyas old clothes .. I have no clue why he gave them to me.. he said they were to small . . .but they clearly were to big..' He let's out a small laugh and throws the bag at him

'Ah-... Ok, after this will we be heading out? he questions while looking at the clothes

'Yes, but Dazai and chuuya.. have to head our first -... They will be back to pick us up but they needed to get the hotels first..' He coughs

'Already? Isn't that for later though? It's not that late ..' He questions him laying out the clothes on the bed

'Well, the hotel we are staying at is very Crowded a lot of people go there .. and it's hard to even get separate rooms -.. So they went early to already have the rooms ready for us..' He starts walking towards the bathroom with a pair of clothes

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