Chp 10. Wicked

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Watching "The vampire die in no time" 😍

'They both get dressed and start heading down stairs ..'

'Alright.. we are heading out now-.. Goodbye..' Akutagawa bows and then waves, as atsushi and him both head out

'So... where are we heading now? Dazai and then aren't back yet..' He questions as they both walk downs path

'A type of shop ..' He coughs

'S-Shop? -... What type of shop..' He looks around

'A shop..' He grunts

'(Shop-... That's even more concerning. . )' He gulps and starts getting nervous but continues to walk

'Ah-... We are here..' He stops walking

'Hmm?-.. Eh-...' He stops walking and looks at the shop ..

'T-The wicked?-..' He mumbles while clenching his fist

'Akutagawa then stares explaining about .. The wicked" ..this shop is known for selling "Special" items that can enhance certain abilities..'

'A-Abilities?-.. What type of abilities?..' He questions

'Oh?-.. You don't know ye-..' Before he could get his words out the sudden creak of a door opens

'Eh-..' They both stare at the sudden figure that pops out

'EhH!!~~ Why hello there!!~... Greetings.. Please do come in come in!!~..' The figure shouts while giggling

'Ah-...A-Akutagawa-..' He turns his head But akutagawa is already at the door step

'What?-.. Come on already we are on a time limit ..' He grins and walks in

'Ah- Wait for me!!..' He quickly rushes to the door

'Welcome - Welcome!!~.. What may I assist you with! Would you like a dead frog! Or perhaps the LIMITED ONE AND ONE ONLY-..' He gets all excited while twirling around but getting cut off

'Ahem..  I need some of the enhance abilities ..' He groans at him before glaring at him

'OHHH OHH OO!!!-.. Ah-.. But that's so fucking lame?!... Ugh whatever ... dozen like usual? ..' The figure pouts as he walks towards a shelf

'(What a weirdo..)' Atsushi stares awkwardly at them both

'And?- OH MY!!~... Is this your friend?! ..' He glances at him making eye contact with atsushi

'Eh-.. Me?-..' Atsushi points to himself looking around

'What n-..' Before akutagawa could get his words out the sudden wind blows him a bit

'OH MY OH MY!!... Your- YOUR EYES!! They are very very VERYYY PRICEABLE!!... Oh how I wish I had them in a bottle..TO THINK ALL THE MONEY!!' The figure starts blushing while grabbing Atsushi's face and looking deep in his face

'Ah-.. WAH?!-...' He panics and glances over to akutagawa

'What-... Hey.. He has nothing to do with you right now..I'm the customer..' He frowns while gripping his hand onto the figures arm

'Ah-.. Yes yes of course!!..' He hands him the bottles and stares at atsushi with a grinning smirk

'(I-I... I don't feel safe here..)' He glances at the door backing up a bit

'Ah-.. Wait I never got your nam-..' The figure reaches his hand out

'That will be enough... Goodbye ..' Akutagawa puts a pouch on the table full of money and grabs atsushi and walks out of the shop

'Hmmm!!~.... Oh.. I already set my eyes on that boy..' The unknown figure starts laughing and ripping off what looks like to be a mask

'So, sigma!!~... Are you ready??..' He grins while looking back at the door that is slowly opening

'Y-Yes...Nikolai..' A man walks out in a vest with puffy white sleeves and clockwork items on his belt with long hair and a face that speaks "I just wanna go home"..

'YAY!!~... Now then .. let's start packing!..' He grins while putting his top hat on

'Ugh...(I should've known I was in a trap ...Stupid sign ..just had to say free money!!...Then again . . .it's my fault to..)' He groans and then sheds a small tear

'Continuing to akutagawa and Atsushi'

'They leave the small shop heading back to the castle ..'

'So... Ahem Im sorry about that..' He glances at the sliver boy

'Ah-... It's alright .. (I mean. . .)..But yeah it's alright!-..' He glances at the forest and back to the rocky path

'Ok..' He coughs and then stares blankly at the path awkwardly

'They both reach the castle and go in before walking out again and seeing a carriage coming up..with Dazai waving his hand out and suddenly seeing him flying out of it with chuuya yelling at him..'

'AH?!-.. D-Dazai!-..' Atsushi in a state of shock stares at his flying body

'His body was more than a slow feather he flew in the sky..'

(Shorter chp)

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