Chp 7. The door

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What's your favorite color 😍? Mines green 😈

'No one's POV'

'It's 2:34?! B-But this can't be-...' He starts rambling on while holding the clock

'Akutagawa gets irritated by his loud mumbling and his foot steps . . .He grabs Atsushi by the wrist and quickly pinning him against the bed holding back both of his arms ..'

'E-Eh?-...Hey-...HEY?! LET ME GO!!..' Glancing behind him and shouting at him

'Ugh....I really hate you. . .Your lucky your friends with Dazai!..' He frowns at him

'D-Dazai?-...Wait so your friends with Dazai?-...' Trying to remember everything that happened again

'F-Friends with Dazai!. . I wish!..' He groans

'So Your -...Not that pervert?-..' He awkwardly buries his face in the blanket

'P-Pervert?-...No why would you even jump to- . .Ah do you mean the "Thief"?...' He questions him

'Yes! B-But your not him? ..' He glances back at him

'Ew...I would kill myself if I was him...But no I'm the one that "rescued" you from him...He has a horrible record of crimes and for some reason he manages to escape!...' He leans a bit next to atsushi neck rambling on about the bad man

'His own DAUGHTER?! He's horrible ...Ugh people like that should just-...Die at some point ..' Atsushi also rambles on

'They both stay in the same position rambling on about how bad he is and then getting on the topic of the villagers'

'Girl? Does she possibly have bandages on her?-...' He questions him again in a more huskier voice

'Ah-...Oh? Do you know her to! She's so sweet ..I plan on giving her and her small group treats next time I see them..Why do you ask?..' He stares blankly at the other side of the wall

'O-Oh-...Because I also give them ..small treats when I vist..' He blushes due to embarrassment

'Oh?-..(His grip loosened?..)' He smiles and wiggles his hands free and clenching on the sheets trying to slowly move his body out

'Hmm?-...You Little..' He glares at him and smirks

'He flips him over facing him making a deep eye contact gripping onto both of Atsushi hands and holding them above his head..'

'And here I thought have a nice little chat-..' Glaring at him and then hearing the door open

'Shit!..' Akutagawa freezes and panics

'A-Akutagawa?...I told you chuuya!...He was sleeping!!...Ugh~...Im going back...' The brunette groans walking away

'Eh-...I swore I heard footsteps and loud mumbling..' He leaves the room and sighs

'Akutagawa thinking quickly, was holding Atsushi under the bed laying him down on his chest gripping onto him ..'

'(Eh?-...Blanket..Under..)' HEY?! Let me OUT!!..' Atsushi wiggling under the blanket

'W-What-..Shut UP!! And stop moving around!..' Mumbling to him while hitting his head

'Oh??...NOO!! ALALAL!!~..' He shouts even louder

'Y-YOU?! ..' He pushes atsushi head down to his crotch while reaching his hand out to a random bottle of lotion

'You stink....Hmm? Do you like lavender?..' He grins letting out a laugh...

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