The Garden Of Tulips And Dandelions (3)

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Another art of white star and luce👆

"cat" -- screen/au

"cat" -- goddess


White star was still in daze. His derora....NO.... the other derora made a deal with the god of death....just to alter my save me. Many complicated thoughts were going inside his head like would this have also happened if he told his derora about his curse, would he have also gotten such happy ending. He was shocked, scared but most of all envious of his other self. While white star was lost in his thoughts, so was cale. Cale was angry... he was angry because- because of that mother Fu*ker god of despair...his Huyngs would have been alive, but he knows that he wouldn't have gotten his family if the apocalypse didn't happen. Cale was stuck in the middle of his thought, for the first time in his life he didn't know what to do. Of Course seeing how cale's compression was his party was getting overly worried. But what could they do. The screen once again lit up.

" Tell me about the deal."

....*sigh* the god of death sighed totally exhausted from seeing this demigoddess's behavior .

" Give me your lifespan and the curse will be altered."

" And what will be the curse afterwards?" the blue haired demigoddess asked raising a brow.

...." I can't end his endless reincarnations, but-"

" But?"

" I can alter the curse so that the people dear to him would not die."

White star and the other participants who were mostly aware of his curse now understand where the story was going.

' I... see. Just as i thought... it was the reason she and....luce was alive.' white star had a very genuine smile which got deliberately unnoticed by others.

" Make me also reincarnate with him."

" What?"

" Yea, WHAT?!" cage shouted dumbfounded at what lengths this woman could go for that- white star.

" Like you said, I need to exchange my lifespan with you for the deal... So i will give you my remaining lifespan as a demigod. would that work?"

" That... could certainly work." the ancient dragon eruhaben said thinking how that woman just particularly scammed the god of death.

" It... can."

" So... what are you waiting for? "

....." Are you sure you want to do this? .... This .... deal will cost you a lot."

there was a pregnant silence before the sound of a sigh could be heard.

" It ... is the best i can do, death...... And didn't you say that barrow will reincarnate.... i will become a human... my lifespan will be cut immensely... so... death, i want you to make me and barrow reincarnate... together... or is it a tough task for you, uh, death~" the blue haired woman said the latter in a teasing tone while smirking which certainly helped to sooth the tense atmosphere both in the theater and the death's domain.

" No, i can alter his curse to your wish, ...but... this action of yours will not only affect the fate of this world.... but also of-

" Are you talking about the original soul?"

" Original soul?" both the god of death on the screen and the dragons said. Though ron had always had a keen eye to observe his surroundings, he saw- a glint of fear in his young master's eyes. 'Alberu and choi han seems to know something' eruhaben also had 1000 years of experience of observing others. The children, they don't seem to care or are confused enough to even care.

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