An awesome team of Leo 2.0, walking talking lamp, and purple captain optimist

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I pulled the red wire again, trying vainly to untangle the mess in front of me. The wires were different colors, but the places where I needed to connect them were all plain gray, so that was awesome.

"Need help?" I twitched a bit, but I knew it was Nico standing behind me. Seeing as he was my brother's boyfriend, I should've been used to this by now, but the son of Hades was so quiet that I never knew he was there until he announced himself.

"Uh, probably- these wires are more jumbled than Percy could ever make them." Nico scoffed, but he was smiling when he crouched down next to me. He had the mess pried apart within the next minute, and had the colors all connected to the correct outlets in another three.

"How'd you do that?" I was getting more and more impressed with the mechanical abilities he was showing.

"Again, Leo. He and Calypso always call on me to assist their projects for some reason. Apparently, everyone else is either 'too busy or uninterested'."

"You're interested?" Nico shot me an exasperated look.

"I don't-" he stopped, sighing. "Yeah. I guess you could say that. When the medics are busy and when I'm not helping you and Will, I don't have much to do if I don't want to  shadow travel to Reyna, Frank, and Hazel in Camp Jupiter... The rest of the seven are always just doing their own things, so I just join random people from time to time. They're nice and all, but I never really found a permanent group to stay in."

"Oh." It never occurred to me that the son of Hades might've been a little lonely when he wasn't with my brother and I. If we got out of this alive, I vowed to spend more time with him.

"Anyways," Nico got up awkwardly, dusting off his suit, which was flecked by little patches of yellow dust from the inside of the wire box. "I'm glad I helped. If you need anything else, I'll be-"

One second ago, the engines were humming happily and the lights were blinking brightly. Now, everything was silent, and it was darker than night. Immediately, I felt a hand grab mine tightly, and from between the fabric, I felt the quickness of a beating heart.

"Zhara. I'm holding a hand right now- is it you?"

"Y-yeah. It's me. Nico, what's happening?" I heard an exhale of relief, and the hand wrapped around mine relaxed, if only a bit.

"Someone shut off the electrical unit. The thermoregulation and lights are going to be out until we fix it. But the most dangerous thing is that in the dark, it's easy for someone to be hurt without anyone knowing who did it."

Now I understood why Nico wanted to stick together. Two people were harder to kill than one... Unless one of them was the killer. But he had plenty of chances already, so I reasoned it was safe to assume that he wasn't an imposter.

Suddenly, I saw a bright flash, which settled down to a steady glow. Will was backed up against a wall, lit up like a glow stick, the light flushing his tan skin a golden color. He looked around the room frantically, and when he turned in our direction, his face visibly relaxed.

"You guys are okay!" The relief in his voice was palpable, even through the crackling of the intercom.

"I knew my night light would come on soon!" Nico laughed as Will ran over. "No one could surprise any of us in the dark with you around."

"Yeah, I was really scared when the lights went off, but then I remembered I was basically a walking talking lamp, so-" Then his eyes widened. "Where's Reyna?"

My heart froze at those words. I hadn't seen her since... well, since the electricity went out. If she didn't turn up soon, she was either incapacitated or incapacitating someone.

All my fears went away, though, when I heard a familiar voice in my headset.

"I'm right here; just outside the room. Sorry for not responding, but..." her breathing was heavy, and I heard the tiniest hint of fear in her words. "I heard a very distant scream, and then there were light footsteps- just one pair, I think- running somewhere close to the intersection perpendicular to the hallway I'm in. But I didn't see any flashlights or anything- that means the killers can sense in the dark."

Will inhaled sharply, his glow flickering a bit. "So we not only have three people trying to kill us, but said people also have additional who-knows-how-many abilities?"

"That seems to be the gist." A purple helmet emerged from behind the door. "Now that we've found one another, we can lay low until the electricity comes on again, since only Leo and Annabeth can really understand that stuff."

"No!" Nico's hand was shaking in mine, and there was panic in his words. I flinched, alarmed- how did I not notice before? "Reyna- you said you heard a distant scream, right?"

"...Yeah." Then the realization dawned on her, and her eyes widened. "Oh gods, no."

"I- I think it's Hazel- I can sense- we need to help her!" Nico looked ready to bolt out of the room- the only reason he didn't was only because Will and I were grabbing onto his hands, tugging him back.

"I'm completely with you, Deathy," Will said, straining a bit as Nico struggled to pull away. "But we can't charge headstrong into what could be a trap." Reyna nodded.

"We can go help, but we need to get there quietly." She said firmly. "If this convinces you, what do you think Hazel would say if you impulsively ran into a fight and got killed?"

"She would-" Suddenly, all the fight left the son of Hades, and he went limp, stopping all his struggling.

"Fine. But we need to go quickly, please." He said resignedly, but he still looked terrified. I couldn't blame him- his sister was in danger, and her life could be on the line.

We crept out of the room, hearing nothing but our own racing hearts. It was so deathly silent- I didn't realize that the constant humming of the machinery was actually calming to me. It was like the ship itself had died. We walked through the twists and turns of the ship, not daring to even breathe loudly.

How long had it been? Two, three minutes? I didn't know. Will had concentrated his energy to form a smaller glow on his hand, and was holding out in front of him like a flashlight.

As we rounded to face the final hall, the lights flickered back on, and the engines started whirring again. I didn't even need to ask what we needed to do. With the others in quick succession, I ran the final stretch, relieved to be able to see properly again.

We skidded around the corner, and stopped at the doorway to assess the scene inside.

The first thing I saw was a person in a golden suit lying sideways on the ground in a growing puddle of crimson liquid, a small rag covering the wound. My heart jumped to my throat when I saw she wasn't moving. Oh gods... are we too late?

Poor Hazel :(
Who do you think attacked her?
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By the way, dead people don't turn into ghosts, cause then Nico would find out who the imposters are via summons. That would be way too OP ;)

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