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Okay so I forgot who requested this chapter but it was a direct message and I can't find itㅠㅠ if I find out who did I will definitely tag you.

Also if you have requested and I haven't done your request yet it's because I'm waiting for a certain point in the book that it will fit so please wait patiently.

I've gotten many private messages about this and I just wanted to address the situation.


Listening to Jungwon talk about his family I run my fingers through his hair to get it out of his face as he leans back onto the headboard more.

Jungwon actually came to me to talk about him being upset because he missed his family, and it warmed my own heart because it reminded me of my own brother, even though Jungwon was only a year younger than me.

The conversation is suddenly cut short when Jungwons stomach growls and he looks at me embarrassed before we both burst into a fit of laughter.

"C'mon I'll make you something to eat"

Jungwon happily obliged and jumps to his feet following after me to the kitchen. Everyone else was either in their rooms talking or practicing extra for the day, so no one was currently in the kitchen.

I motion for him to sit and he sits in one of the stools facing me as he watches me get a packet of instant ramen.

After a few minutes I place it in the boiling water and sit down in front of the boy observing my every move.

"Do you cook for your siblings?"

He suddenly asks. I look up at Jungwon and meet his eyes, "Yea mostly for my younger siblings my sister usually cooks for herself but sometimes she makes me do it for her" I say and Jungwon nods smiling.

He then sits up more and gives me a bright smile, "Hyung, tell me more about your sister, you seem to talk about her a lot" he says excited.

I chuckle and begin to think, "Well, what do you want to know?" I ask confused as I tilt my head to the side.


"Okay, well her name is Suhyeon, she's 19, and is currently on a street dance team."

Thinking about my sister specifically, I can't seem to think of anything right now...

"Now that I'm actually talking about her for real I don't know what to say..."

I feel my eyes water a little and look up to blink them away without Jungwon noticing. Putting on a small smile after I look back at Jungwon and see him staring at me.

"Yeonjin hyung, what is it?"

He puts his hand on my arm and tries to get it out of me, "What do you mean?" I ask trying to steer the conversation away.

He tilts his head and frowns, "You were just crying, what's wrong?"

I look at him and clench my fist a little underneath my thighs and not realizing it let a few tears drop down my face. I only realize I'm crying when jungwon rushes to make sure no one's around the corner, him knowing I don't like people seeing me cry.

He walks back over to me and quickly wipes my tears away and takes my hands in his- holding them tight.

"Is something wrong with your sister?"

My tears fall harder and I bury my head in my hands as Jungwon lets them slip from his, "No! Something is wrong with me, it's me!"

Shocked Jungwon takes me by my wrist and brings us to the couch so we would be more comfortable.

I sit down and he kneels in front of me resting one of his hands on my knee for support, "Noah you can trust me, speak to me" he calmly says and I lock eyes with him.


Silence for a good minute as I sit there and try to control myself as Jungwon waits patiently for me.

"I never wanted to become an idol..."

Jungwon snaps his head to me in confusion as I unexpectedly speak, "What- what do you mean?"

I down at my hands, "My sister did, it was her dream. To become a k-idol and have meaningful conversations with her fans. That's all she wanted..."

Jungwon rest a soothing hand on my knee as he lets me continue.

"But she can't anymore, cancer, anemia, and a bunch of other unimportant things run through my families genes, it skipped me but not my sister." I look at my lap and fiddle with my fingers.

"My mom has cancer, liver failure, and heart problems, she had her heart surgery yesterday and I don't know if it was successful or not-" I choke on my words and start to sob and Jungwon squeezes my hand in a comforting manner.

"You don't have to keep talking I'll be right here"

I dry my tears and nod my head so he knows I acknowledge what he was saying, "That's why I'm becoming an idol for her, because she has anemia, I asked the staff managing if they could keep a look out for a call to me, but they haven't said anything"

I let a tear slip past my eye lashes not being able to cry anymore; suddenly feeling numb to the feeling. I look at Jungwon suddenly feeling conscious of what I was doing and saying.

Jungwon notices and shakes his head, "no we're not doing that, hyung, don't close up on me now"

He takes my hand in his again and leans on me to give me a hug from where he's sitting. I slip off the couch and in front of the youngers kneeling state and we envelope each other in a warm embrace.

Releasing each other from the hug I look up as Jungwon flicked a few strands of my hair out of my face, "better?"

I nod my head and just look at the youngers features, "Why is it always you..." my eyes glaze over but I stop myself from getting all emotional.

"What do you mean?"

I lock eyes with him, "Your always the one to see me like this. The one who's always helping me in these situations, why? You could just tell staff and they would help me but you didn't?" I end it sounding like a question and Jungwons eyebrows creases with confusion.

"I- I don't know I just feel like things like this you wouldn't share with me if you weren't comfortable with it, and you definitely wouldn't be with staff, so..."

I let a small smile go onto my face, nothing big just a simple smile, "Jungwon you-" I stop myself to rethink what I was about to say and I shake my head to make myself stop overthinking.

"Yang Jungwon, you are an amazing person. My best friend here right now, and I like you. In many ways. And I'm sorry for that..."

I smile as the confession in the earlier rant had faded into existence; me no longer thinking about that and just about the youngers existence.

"You have to debut. I mean it, let's debut together" I grab his hands and he reciprocates with a sad smile.

"You mean-"

I stop him, "Yes, like that- I think I do, I need to spend more time with you. Just don't let me saying this make things awkward between us" Jungwon just smiles and embraces me again.

"Yeonjin-ah...Share your feelings with me, don't hide them in front of me."

Even though he dropped honorifics, I didn't say anything because I honestly didn't mind. All I wanted was peace and this was it.

We stay like that for a while and my eyes start to feel heavy from exhaustion. My arms wrapped around Jungwons torso loosely and they fall to my side and I fall into a light sleep on the floor next to the younger

ON HOLD‼️ Wallflower: Lee Yeonjin |I-Land| ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now