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We all held our breath waiting for the representatives to get back.

When we seen the egg start to turn Jay started the countdown for us and we all got in positions- ready to do the starting part of K's choreography.

The I-landers ran to us and we all had a group hug laughing and smiling in relief. I smiled solemnly when Jay picked Sunghoon up bridal style and I went over to Jungwon.

"Hey..." I say approaching him with a blank face.

He stares at me and his face breaks out into a gleeful smile, "We did it! Hyung, oh my gosh I felt like I was gonna faint. We really did it!" He wrapped his arms around me and I chuckled at how happy the boy was.

Fixing the boys now messed up hair from jumping around so much I whisper into the side of his neck, "You did amazing..." Jungwon looks back up at me and smiles softly before going over to the rest of the group.

Then from the corner of my eye I see Sunghoon coming towards me.

My body stiffens and I suck my breath in.

Why am I so on edge?

"Yeonjin, Are you okay?" He asks, circling me so he's in front of me and not behind.

Instead of being awkward like I probably would've I let my face break into a small smile and force my shoulders to relax a little, "You were great."

We talk for a few more minutes about whatever then we walk off to other people.

In that moment I felt at peace. It felt as if I had known these people my whole life. As if they were family.

Then I'm being dragged out of the room by a smiling Jungwon.


"Okay Yeonjin, its your turn."

My eyebrows rise as the two boys turn to me ready to ask the questions. We had been playing "20 questions" for the past hour to get to know each other more only we had given up on the "20" part and just started asking random questions to each other.

Both Jake and Jay had already went so now it was my turn.

"Okay, shoot your shot." I shift my body so I'm now in front of both of them.

Jay and Jake share a look then Jake puts on his thinking face, "hmm..." he sits there for a few minutes without a word before he starts.

"Okay! I have a genuine question..."

I nod my head slowly as my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, which is a habit I do when confused, "What is it?"

"What do you wish you would've known before moving to Korea? Y'know with not knowing anything besides the language and everything." the aussie looks at me as I comprehend his words.

I nod my head again and look up at the ceiling, "Well, I guess there is a few things... When I first got to Korea I actually got scolded because even though I was fluent in the language, I didn't greet people properly." Looking back at the other two I take notice of their focused gazes.

"What- What do you mean?" Jake asks then.

"Like I never bowed when meeting people for the first time. When I met someone for the first time I would always try to give them a hand shake, but they never accepted." I shake my head disapprovingly.

ON HOLD‼️ Wallflower: Lee Yeonjin |I-Land| ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now