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"Jungwon..." I whisper faintly.

"Shh," he puts one hand behind my head and another covering my mouth to shut me up, "I can hear someone..." he stares at the closet door intently but all I can focus on is his hands covering my mouth.

Does he even realize what he's doing to me? I start to worry when I hear my heart beat loudly. Can he hear it.

God that would be so embarrassing!

Suddenly his head snaps back towards me when the sound of footsteps nearby fade into the distance. And then we're back to where we started- staring into each others eyes as if we're searching for something.

He must realize our situation because soon he's taking his hands away from me and tries to back away from me. He doesn't succeed of course because we're in such a crammed space.

Hold on-

Before I continue I should probably explain how we got here in the first place.


Waking up from a nap three hours later to yelling isn't very appealing.

I run my hands down my face as I kick through the duvet. Sliding my house shoes on I walk out of my room and as soon as I do Jay comes running down the hall with two other boys trailing behind him.

Jake and Sunghoon.

So there the ones causing a ruckus...

Sighing I ignore the trio and make my way to the kitchen to get myself something to eat, "Mm" I groan and look through the pantry deciding on some plain crisps to snack on.

Turning around I nearly yelp when I come face to face with a certain boy, "Holy sh- Heeseung-hyung you scared the crap out of me!" I hit his shoulder but falter when I realize what slipped out of my mouth.

Slapping my palm over my parted lips, my eyes widen in realization.

Heeseung looks taken aback trying to process my words. He takes a step back and frowns deep in thought.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to say that, it was just a slip up!" Apologizing frantically I drop the snack in my hands and take a step towards the male.

I know I messed up when I notice Heeseung stiffens in front of me.

The older boy lets out a huff and takes an abrupt step away from me. He looks aggravated as his eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

Frowning my eyebrows furrow, "Heeseung, you know I didn't mean to, you can't get mad it just came out." I take another step to him trying the grab ahold of his wrist but he shrugs it off and starts to walk out of the room- bumping into Sunghoon in the process.

Sunghoon looks back at his hyung confused and back at me. I sigh and bend down to pick up the snack I got out earlier. When I rise I sit down on a stool and watch as Sunghoon takes a place beside me.

"What was that about?" He turns his body towards me slightly.

Looking down at my finger I focus on opening the back of the crisps, "mm, nothing, he's just being childish." I glance at the older waiting for him to press further but instead he nods his head knowingly and his face twists in sorrow.

"Sorry, is this a bad time?" He starts to get up out of his seat and I abruptly pull his sweater back stopping him from taking his leave.

"No, you're fine it was just a small argument. It'll blow over soon." I brush my hair out of my face and watch him sit back down, "What do you need?"

I watch as his eyes skim my face and stop at my eyes as his own go blank, "Uh, 02z and a few others are about to play truth or dare, do you wanna come?"

My face scrunches up at the thought of playing the game again, "I don't know..."

"Seon won't be playing."

Sighing I slump in my seat wondering how exactly he knew why I wasn't going to play, "fine.."

And that's how I found myself in this situation.

During truth or dare Jake stated it was getting boring and suggested for everyone to play hide and seek, partner addition. Without even questioning, mine and Jungwons eyes snapped towards each other knowingly and we were instantly partners.

And now we're here. Staring into each other eyes.

His eyes are so captivating. Almost as if he's drawing me into him.

Immersed in my thoughts, I don't realize the mistake I made by shifting a side before I actually did it. When I moved my feet to the side to get in a more comfortable position, my foot got caught on something and I doubled over.

Directly onto Jungwon.

About to yelp I snap my mouth closed in order to not alert anyone nearby of our hiding place as Jungwons arms immediately hold up my shoulders to keep me from moving more.

"Stop moving, hyung!" He whispers loud enough for me to hear but I could clearly hear the argue in his voice.

The boy holds up my torso so I'm not completely squishing him and I find myself staring at him as he looks at the handle of the door.

He looks beautiful up close...

What am I saying!

God I've completely lost my mind.

Wiggling free of the boy I lift myself back up and let myself free of what my foot caught onto, and as soon as I'm up and off the boy the door is swung open and a shocked Aussie boy is staring straight into my soul.

"I fucking knew it" he doesn't say it out loud, but he mouths it so I would know what he said. And I nearly role my eyes about to say how we didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but one glance down and I would soon realize why he was giving us that knowing look.

Jungwons hands were still firmly placed upon my chest.

If I didn't know any better and I seen a scene like this I would assume something had happened also. So abruptly I take hold of the younger boys hands and pull them off me before any others could see as some start coming out way.

"There's no way you guys were in here the entire time. Wah, it's so cramped!" Ej says as he and Geonu continue to walk towards us from down the hall.

Yes. We decided to hide in the most obvious place and still no one considered to check in here.

Taking one last glance at Jungwon I make my way out of the small closet and wait for the boy to leave it as well when I notice Sunghoon watching silently a few feet away from us.

Was he here with Jake this entire time?

He looks upset...

"Come on, we've found everyone , you two were the last ones. We're gonna end it here and eat before going to bed." Geonu says pulling me out of thoughts.

My eyes pull away from Sunghoons gaze and I end up following the other boys into the kitchen to eat.

We were having pizza today. It looked so good and my stomach was growling. I hadn't eaten actual food since this morning but it was just a small sandwich.

Sitting and chatting with a few others I notice a pair of eyes lingering on me for a while. I turn and instantly meet Heeseungs gaze and he looks away and continues a conversation with K, Geonu, and Seon.


Soon dinner is over and we're all heading to our respective rooms. I'm not all that tired because of the three hour nap from before so I make my way to the practice room determined to occupy myself of something in the meantime.

As I'm walking to the practice a room a hand is gently placed upon my shoulder from behind me and I instantly turn around shocked.

"Ah, Hyung you startled me. Why does everyone keep doing that...?" I say the last part lowly because recently everyone has been creeping up on me.

He smiles softly and gestures to the room a few feet ahead of us, "Can I speak with you for a minute?"

ON HOLD‼️ Wallflower: Lee Yeonjin |I-Land| ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now