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Waking up with cold sweats isn't the best thing ever.

Your head feels hot but your neck feels cold, and your body is shaking. Really it's kind of like an anxiety or panic attack- but it's not. Just cold sweats.

I had a dream about home. My sister specifically.

The dream was about me being gone and my sister calling up my phone only it wasn't her that spoke up when I answered.

It was our- her father.

He had said that he was lucky I left the country or else he would've punished me for doing so without his permission, and that my sister would instead get the punishment. Even though I'm of legal age to travel alone.

He never liked me. Didn't want me to call him dad growing up because he swore everyday I wasn't his. All because I loved to dance. He soon turned abusive...

My sister did too of course but she never said anything to him about in fear of getting yelled at. Her father despises dancing and music. I never knew why. Mom does though, she just won't tell us. She won't even tell RAIN and he's asked before.

He doesn't even like RAIN, and he's visited them multiple times. When we were younger of course. He hadn't visited our family since me and Heeseung were 12 and 14. Our- her father left when I was 13. Said he didn't want to be apart of the family and that he never loved mom. Little did he know that was the year she fell ill.

He doesn't even know about the illness.

Luckily it was all a dream though...

Slowly pulling away from the older boy that was curled up next to me I pull the covers away and tip toe out of the room- determined to get at least some kind of fresh air.

I go to the item room and peek at one of the tablets to see what time it was. It was currently 2:12 in the morning. Sighing, knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep without someone else's awake presence I decide instead I should dance until I get tired.

I saunter in a daze towards the practice room thinking about the day before yesterday's events; when Sunghoon pulled me aside.

He seemed so off- as if he was going to tell me a lot more than he said and I ruined it by saying something I wasn't supposed to.

Shrugging off my thoughts when I arrive in front of the door I get in and scroll through the tablet I brought from the item room. I scroll through an endless amount of songs until I find one and put it one ready to improvise.

I dance to each song back to back not getting tired yet. I have high stamina so this will probably take a while. I'll most likely not get tired for a few hours; this was mostly pointless-

"Yeonjin-ah?" Being snapped out of my focused state I whip around fast and come face to face with Sunghoon.

"Ah, Hyung, you startled me."


He didn't say much instead he walked over in front of where I was currently standing and sat down, "Don't mind me, just pretend I'm not here and continue." He says with a soft smile.

I bend down to turn off the music and drop down next to him, "Can't sleep?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "You?"

I nod my head at him and adjust my position so I'm facing the front. Glancing back at the boy beside me and take notice of his thoughtful gaze. He was staring off into space.

"What's on your mind?" I ask tapping the space between us to get his attention.

When it works his eyes flutter to mine and he sighs. Suddenly I remember our conversation from the other day...

ON HOLD‼️ Wallflower: Lee Yeonjin |I-Land| ENHYPENWhere stories live. Discover now