Chapter 6

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The wedding preparations were in full swing, as there was a lot to do in just two weeks. Although, Shahnawaz Khan wanted a grand wedding as it was his son, his heir that getting married and he wanted everything to be perfect, but Waqas suggested the wedding to be a private affair because he didn't wanted Meerab to feel any more overwhelmed and stressed than she already was.

After discussing things over, they found a solution that worked for both of them. They decided to have the baraat ceremony in Lahore, with only their close friends and family attending. Whereas, a grand walima was planned to take place a week after the baraat, in Hyderabad. This way, they could still have a big celebration that Shahnawaz wanted, while also having an intimate one that Waqas had in mind.

While everyone was busy getting ready for the wedding festivities, Murtasim and Meerab were dealing with their own personal struggles. They had their own worries and fears, which made things a bit difficult for them despite the joyful atmosphere of the wedding preparations.

Murtasim struggled to grasp onto the idea of an arranged marriage. Regardless of their childhood encounters, they had only met once after ages and now they were to get married. This confused Murtasim a lot. He knew that he didn't have much say in his life's choices, but this time, it wasn't just about him – it was about another person's life too.

He felt mixed emotions. He didn't like that Meerab was being pushed into this marriage because of his father's stubbornness. He knew that she wouldn't fit well into their outdated way of living. She liked her freedom and modern ideas, which didn't match with their traditional system. Murtasim knew how it felt to be forced into something one didn't want. Which is why he didn't want her to be stuck in a life she didn't choose for herself. Even though his father was a firm believer of their outdated views, Murtasim understood the importance of people making their own choices. However, he also knew that there wasn't much that he could do. Society's rules and family expectations were strongly embedded, and they made it hard for individual wishes to come true.

Meerab, however, was fighting a different battle. The hurt caused by her parents' betrayal weighed heavier on her heart than the arranged marriage with Murtasim. Their actions shattered her trust completely. The fact that they were willing to marry her off in just two weeks felt like they were eager to push her away. It pained her to see how easily they were willing to let her go. Her father's hurtful words echoed in her mind, especially how he highlighted his favors on her. It made her stomach twist in knots.

The breach of trust by her own parents, the people who gave birth to her, left Meerab questioning whether she could ever trust anyone again. She found it hard to even trust Murtasim, no matter how kind he seemed. These thoughts were constantly stirring up a storm inside her.

She had only agreed to this marriage so her parents could finally find some relief from her presence. She felt like a burden they were eager to unload. That's why, as she stood in the boutique trying on her wedding dress, there was no joy attached to the moment. The weight of the dress seemed to suffocate her, and her mother's question about whether she liked it felt strangely out of place.

Meerab wanted to laugh – did liking a dress even matter when the most significant decision, her choice of groom, had been taken away from her? Yet, her mother had the audacity to ask about her preference for a dress. The irony was almost comical. Holding back her tears, Meerab managed a faint nod, agreeing to whatever her mother had picked. The urge to cry was strong, but she suppressed it as she struggled to keep herself composed amidst the storm of emotions inside her.


Two weeks swiftly passed, and the Khan family returned to Lahore for the wedding festivities. They stayed in a house specially acquired by Shahnawaz for the occasion, where they wished to welcome Meerab after the Rukhsati. The house was transformed into a radiant spectacle, adorned with enchanting lights and vibrant flowers.

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