Chapter 36

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Meerab had grown accustomed to her husband's occasional mood swings, but this latest version of Murtasim was truly perplexing. He seemed different, as though he were a man on a mission, constantly fidgeting and searching for something. Meerab couldn't help but suspect that it had something to do with Mariam and Zain's impending wedding. After their initial conversation about Zain, Murtasim had been tight-lipped on the subject, as if he were determined to prove his point about Zain being the villain in this story. This was unusual for Murtasim; he wasn't one to hold grudges.

Meerab found herself torn between conflicting thoughts. On one hand, she trusted her husband's instincts, but on the other hand, she had observed a side of Zain that contradicted Murtasim's description. Zain had made genuine efforts to win Mariam's heart, sending her gifts and flowers occasionally. Meerab couldn't help but be impressed by his gestures. She recalled two incidents that added up to her internal conflict.

Meerab and Mariam had been sitting in the lounge as their usual pass time when a maid came over with another huge bouquet in her hand saying that it was sent by Zain Hashwani. Nodding, Mariam allowed the maid to place the bouquet on the table as she left.

"I guess he isn't that bad," Mariam ventured.

Meerab hummed in agreement as she gazed at the flowers, her mind replaying Murtasim's dislikable portrayal of Zain. "I mean, I'm not exactly thrilled about the wedding, but I don't have a choice. So, maybe understanding Zain and accepting his gifts will make things easier," Mariam continued.

"Yeah, I get what you mean, Mariam," Meerab replied, lost in her thoughts once again. "But," she hesitated, "why does Murtasim dislike him so much if Zain is genuinely a good guy?"

Mariam nodded emphatically. "That's exactly my point. I don't want to overthink things. I have no control over this situation, so I'm trying to accept my fate but I guess bhai is struggling to accept it," she said, her voice tinged with anxiety and uncertainty. Meerab noticed her distress and moved closer, wrapping Mariam in a warm hug.

"I know it's tough, Mariam, but we'll get through it together. I understand your feelings. I was in the same situation months ago—scared, petrified, but this arranged marriage brought me the most precious gift of all, Murtasim." Meerab tried to reassure Mariam with her words, relating her situation to be much like Mariam's, hoping to be Mariam's anchor in this critical times.

Another intriguing incident occurred when Zain made an unannounced visit to the Khan Haveli. Meerab, taken aback by his unexpected appearance, couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and curiosity.

"I'm sorry to have shown up so randomly, but I was in the city, so I thought about stopping by and paying my regards," Zain explained with a warm smile, though Meerab couldn't entirely dismiss the hints of mystery that seemed to glimmer in his eyes.

"Oh, there is no need to apologize, Zain. After all, this is now your home as well. I'm delighted to see you," Maa Begum exclaimed happily, extending her hospitality.

"Salma aunty, if you don't mind, I would like to take Mariam out for shopping. I want her to buy a few things she likes for the wedding," Zain proposed, his demeanor gracious.

Maa Begum hesitated for a moment, her cultural traditions conflicting with the request. "Well, you know, Zain, our family doesn't have such traditions. The bride isn't allowed to leave the house, especially with her future husband. It's not something we typically allow."

Zain, however, was persistent and persuasive. "Please, aunty, could you at least ask Uncle Shahnawaz about it? I believe it would be a wonderful opportunity for Mariam and me to get to know each other better. Meerab can join us if there are any concerns," he urged, his determination evident.

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