Chapter 9

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Meerab found herself utterly exhausted, to put it mildly. After hours of relentless travelling followed by an unpacking session had left her feeling like a deflated balloon. A restful night's sleep seemed like a magic cure, but the thought of sharing a bed with Murtasim created a continuous loop of anxiety in her mind. Despite his best efforts to ensure her comfort, the lingering awkwardness remained. The idea of sleeping in someone else's bed was like a fluttering butterfly in her stomach, keeping her seated on the sofa, lost in contemplation.

Should she wait for Murtasim to show up and place a pillow between them before settling in? Or perhaps she should just take the plunge and nonchalantly slip into bed? It was a clash between her rational understanding that as a married couple they had to coexist and the shyness that clung to her like a second skin. Lost in this internal debate, Meerab found herself grappling with this bewildering sensation in her stomach.

Meanwhile, Murtasim's observant eyes caught sight of Meerab seated on the sofa, seemingly lost in her thoughts. Confusion swirled in his mind, drawing him back to a previous conversation where she had mentioned sleeping on the sofa. The idea resurfaced, leading him to believe that she might be contemplating it again.

"You seemed quite tired. Why haven't you slept yet?" Murtasim inquired, his eyebrows knitted together.

Meerab looked up, caught off guard by his question. "Oh, I was just about to," she responded, her voice slightly wavering. Gathering her courage, she made her way to the bed with slow steps. An unspoken dance of anticipation unfolded as she waited for Murtasim to take his position first before slowly maneuvering herself onto the bed. Stealing a quick glance at him, she saw him positioned at the opposite end, mirroring the uncertainty she herself felt. She then turned her face to the opposite side, her back discreetly turned toward him, as she wrestled with the duvet, trying to find a sense of ease.

Murtasim had sensed Meerab's discomfort. Her uneasy movements and visible hesitance spoke volumes. He grasped for a way to lessen the tension between them which is why he slowly slipped the pillow between them. This simple act, born from genuine concern, warmed Meerab's heart. As she took a deep breath, attempting to calm her racing heartbeat, she couldn't help but appreciate his kindness.

However, the atmosphere bore the weight of awkwardness that refused to dissipate. Murtasim realized that a conversation about their relationship was overdue. The stifling ambiance had become unbearable, and their earlier interactions while organizing her belongings gave him the confidence to address the matter. With a throat clearing, he rose from the bed, taking a deep breath before speaking, "Meerab, I think there's a discussion we should have."

Meerab, sitting up attentively, met his gaze. "Yes?" she prompted, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

Murtasim chose his words carefully, his tone gentle yet resolute. "I understand that the circumstances of our marriage have deprived us of the chance to truly know each other. The awkwardness we're feeling is clearly visible, but...." He stuttered, his cheeks reddening, as he continued "we're now husband and wife."

His words hung in the air as he assessed her reaction, unable to make out her emotions. He explained "I believe it's essential for us to take the time to understand one another. We're starting a lifelong journey side by side, and it's best to kick things off by getting to know each other." He took a pause and quickly added "But there's no need to rush things. We can take thing step by step so that we can clear away any awkwardness that's been hanging around."

Murtasim's sincerity touched Meerab's heart. A smile played at the corners of her lips as she responded, "I agree. This awkwardness is quite overwhelming."

Relief washed over Murtasim's features, his tension visibly easing. "Great then, no more formalities. Let's start over again." With a playful glint in his eyes, he extended his hand toward her. "Hi there, I'm Murtasim."

Meerab chuckled, as she shook his hand. "Hello, Murtasim. I'm Meerab."

In that moment, as their hands met and their eyes locked, the atmosphere lightened considerably. It was as if a new chapter had begun, one filled with the promise of camaraderie, understanding, and shared experiences. As Murtasim's warm smile dissolved the lingering clouds of uncertainty, Meerab came to a realization. Amidst all the doubts and awkwardness, she began to see the possibility of navigating this rushed and unfamiliar relationship, one step at a time.


Things took a smoother turn after Meerab and Murtasim engaged in a heartfelt conversation about their relationship. The persistent cloud of awkwardness began to dissipate, leaving behind a trace of shyness that, while still present, was far more manageable than the stifling awkwardness they had endured before. Existing alongside each other became more comfortable, no longer punctuated by the constant need for apologetic "sorrys" at every moment.

Meerab realized that her initial perception of Murtasim had been mistaken; he was truly a genuine and kind-hearted person. His profound respect for her and his consistent efforts to ensure her comfort had a warming effect on her. The mere idea of him proposing to rearrange his room to match with her preferences filled Meerab with a sense of gratitude that set her heart aflutter. In the short span of five days, she had begun to adapt to the atmosphere of the haveli, resolving to embrace this sudden and unfamiliar shift.

Despite the brief timeframe, Meerab found herself already forming a resolution to accommodate this new chapter of her life. The warm reception from Maa Begum and Mariyam, who went out of their way to extend their hospitality, contributed to her growing sense of belonging. Meanwhile, her interactions with Uncle Shahnawaz had always been as they used to be before: a formal greetings which was now followed with a "think of this as your home as well" and "is everything according to your likings?". She did appreciate that all of them were trying their best to make her feel welcomed.

In these past few days, Meerab was able to pick up Murtasim's behavior with his family as well. He smiled more often when he was around his mother and sister, which stood in sharp contrast to his demeanor around his father. The clear change in how he behaved when interacting with his father often led to uncomfortable dinner table conversations, creating an atmosphere filled with unease.

The contrast between the dinner table conversations in the Khan household and her old home was quite striking. The unease atmosphere here took her back to the joyful talks and easy chats that her used to have with her parents. These memories brought back the recollection of how her parents' behavior had abruptly shifted around the time of her marriage. The persistent pang of hurt pierced her heart, yet she made a conscious effort not to let it consume her. While she was glad to see Murtasim in a new light, the hurtful things her father said left deep marks. Forgiving and moving forward was a tough path she wasn't prepared to take, yet.

Murtasim, on the other hand, found solace in the realization that Meerab was gradually starting to settle in. Her increasing comfort and sense of ease brought a warmth to his heart that he couldn't help but treasure. Although the initial awkwardness had subsided, Murtasim remained unable to evade the persistent flutter in his chest whenever they found themselves side by side in bed, preparing to sleep, or whenever he caught sight of her in those enchanting outfits. He fought the urge to stare, but the sheer allure she emitted made it a challenging for him to stop himself. Every detail about her seemed to captivate him—the way her long curls tumbled gracefully, her radiant smile as she conversed with Mariyam or Maa Begum, the endearing sight of her in her cute pajamas, and the gentle avoidance of her gaze whenever their eyes met.

Unfamiliar emotions stirred within Murtasim, a complex blend of emotions he struggled to label. The increased rhythm of his heart and the unmistakable flush on his cheeks whenever he was caught stealing glances at her, betrayed the depths of these undiscovered feelings. A mere five days had passed, yet the impact Meerab had on him was nothing short of astonishing. He found himself wresting with the unbelievable reality that her presence had sparked something profound within him, defying all expectations and reasoning.


Khan Haveli was a hive of activity as they readied for the walima, just one day away. Even though the place had been glowing with lights and blooming flowers for nearly a week, the grand setup for the walima was still in the works. Maa Begum took charge, arranging delicious sweets, beautiful clothes, and gifts of money to be shared with both the village and haveli residents. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, Meerab's heart raced with mixed emotions as she awaited the arrival of her parents. The sight of them filled her with happiness, yet the crack in their relationship remained unhealed. She mustered her strength to greet them warmly, but the mere presence of her parents triggered a flood of memories, each one tied to the sting of their bitter words. Her heart sank, struggling to let go of the hurt that seemed too heavy to cast aside.

As her father enveloped her in a hug, tears welled up in Meerab's eyes despite her efforts to remain composed. "Meerab, your baba and I missed you so much. We've been counting down the days to reunite with you," her mother's voice chimed in, adding a layer of bittersweetness to the scene. Meerab nodded slightly, summoning a smile to mask the emotional turmoil stirring within her. She strived to maintain her composure throughout the evening, but once she was in the room, her facade crumbled.

Laying her bed, tears started to flow freely. She fought to suppress them, yet they seemed to possess a will of their own, escaping in quiet sobs. Muffling her cries, she attempted to silence her emotions so that Murtasim couldn't hear her.

Yet, her attempts were in vain as Murtasim laid next to her fighting the urge to take all her worries away. The shift in Meerab's gaze upon reuniting with her parents was quite evident. Murtasim had assumed that her face would be lit up with joy after being apart for a week, but that was not the case. Discomfort and pain lingered in her eyes, too visible to ignore. The smile she forced upon her lips served as a fragile mask, unable to conceal the storm that brewed within her. Every one of her reactions etched itself into Murtasim's mind, as he observed her throughout the evening.

She responded shortened, her replies reduced to mere nods, mirroring her manner during their parting with her parents in Lahore the week before. It was as though she had been trapped in a memory, yearning to voice the turmoil that gnawed at her soul but was unable to do so. These observations weighed heavily on Murtasim's mind as he lay in bed, attempting to sleep. His thoughts revolved around Meerab, his desire to reduce her pain growing stronger.

The urge to ask about Meerab's concerns pulled at him persistently. Yet, it felt as if it was too early for him to ask her something personal. Tossing and turning in the darkness, as sleep evaded him, Murtasim mustered the courage to breach the silence. "Meerab?" he questioned softly, unsure if she was awake or not.

"Yes?" she replied, her voice sounding slightly hoarse.

Had she been crying? Murtasim wondered, the ache in his chest increasing.

"Are you okay?" Murtasim hesitated, concern lacing his words.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" she responded.

"Um, I noticed you've seemed a bit down today, so I thought I should ask if something's wrong," Murtasim said, turning to face Meerab's side.

"No, no, I'm okay. Just a slight headache, but I'll be alright," Meerab replied, turning to meet Murtasim's gaze with a faint smile, an attempt to reassure him.

In the dim light of the room, Murtasim observed her closely. Her eyes and nose appeared reddened, and he was convinced she had been crying. His heart twinged at the sight of her distress. He longed to reach out and offer a comforting touch, but he recognized the unspoken boundaries of their relationship that still existed between them.

His expression softened as he spoke, "You know, you can share anything with me, right? I'll always be here to listen."

Meerab could sense the genuine concern in his eyes. In that moment, gratitude welled up within her for having someone like Murtasim by her side, someone who was willing to truly understand her. His words felt like a warm embrace, providing her with solace.

"Thank you," she replied softly, her voice carrying a gentle undertone that seemed to resonate with the tranquility of the moment. The corners of her lips curled slightly, hinting at a grateful smile that mirrored the unspoken emotions between them. As their gazes met and held, an unspoken understanding seemed to weave its way through the air, a delicate thread that bound their hearts together in a shared moment of vulnerability.

They lay there, nestled in the embrace of soft pillows and warm blankets, the ambient light casting a warm glow upon their features. The room seemed to have quieted, as if the world outside had faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of them in this cocoon of their uncharted yet special connection. The racing of their heartbeats and a soft rustling of curtains in a gentle breeze served as a distant lullaby, soothing their senses and inviting them to savor the serenity that enveloped them.

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