Chapter 11

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One month

One whole month had passed since Meerab's demeanor took a strange turn. Initially, Murtasim held onto the hope that open communication and understanding could help them to get to know each other and make this marriage work. But, Meerab's behavior had become increasingly distant ever since the walima. She avoided talking to him altogether, not even sparing him a smile or a fleeting glance. Murtasim found it deeply hurtful to witness her act this way, especially since he remained unaware of the root cause. His attempts to initiate conversations were brushed off by Meerab ever time, with excuses of feigned sleep or apparent busyness, tactics he knew were her ways of avoiding him. He yearned to fix things, but he was lost without knowing what had triggered this abrupt change.

Missing her smile and the cherished talks they once shared, Murtasim longed to relive those moments, even if they had been fleeting enough. As he lay in bed, gazing at the ceiling, he mustered the courage to inquire once more, his voice hesitant, "Meerab, did I do something wrong? Why have you been acting like this?"

Her reply echoed like a broken record, devoid of emotion, "No, it's nothing, and I'm fine."

He persisted, his concern evident in his words, "Please, if I've done anything to upset you, tell me. Your disturbance is quite visible."

Once again, Meerab responded in the same monotonous tone, "No, you didn't do anything, and I'm not disturbed."

Murtasim's desperation mounted as he turned toward her, yearning to unveil the truth, "Meerab—"

Interrupting him, she offered a rehearsed reassurance, "I'm sorry, Murtasim, but I'm feeling sleepy. There's truly nothing wrong, so don't worry."

With that, she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep, leaving Murtasim deeply unsettled and distressed. The ambiguity of the situation left him with a sense of frustration that gnawed at his thoughts, as he spent the night struggling with his own confusion.


Meerab couldn't trust Murtasim after being betrayed by her own parents. Even though he appeared to be genuinely kind, Meerab understood that blind trust wasn't something she could afford right now. Her parents, the very people who brought her into this world, had shattered her heart and faith. This painful experience served as a constant reminder that trusting someone, even someone seemingly good, wasn't a decision to be taken lightly. After all, how could she easily place her trust in a stranger when her own flesh and blood had let her down so profoundly?

Meerab faced the harsh reality that she had been too naive, allowing herself to be swayed by Murtasim's gestures of affection. The wounds from her past were still fresh, and she couldn't risk opening herself up to another potential heartbreak. Struggling with her existing pain, she knew she couldn't allow anyone else to deceive her. Because of which she decided build protective walls around her heart, never letting her guard down.

In the process of these thoughts, a realization dawned on Meerab regarding Murtasim's discomfort in Haya's presence. Perhaps, his unease wasn't just about being around her; it might have stemmed from guilt. The idea of Murtasim promising Haya something but ultimately choosing to marry her instead weighed heavily on her mind. This train of thought confirmed the possibility that Murtasim could be just compromising with her solely due to his father's orders. The notion of being a burden on Murtasim, after her parents, repulsed Meerab. Her parents had also pretended to love and care for her, but when that façade broke, it left Meerab shattered. Which is why she was now struggling with the fear that Murtasim's actions might not be any different.

These tempestuous thoughts gripped Meerab, drowning her in a suffocating whirlpool of uncertainties. She felt trapped by her own thoughts, unable to escape the tangle of worries and doubts that swirled around her.


Tension was rising in the village. Malik Zubair's sneaky tricks were getting on Murtasim's nerves. He couldn't ignore it any longer. So, Murtasim decided to visit the gaon. This was the longest he had stayed in his Hyderabad house since he was handed over the gaddi. He had wanted to spend time with Meerab, so that he could understand her as their hastily wedding didn't give him time to get to know her. But since things didn't go as planned, it was now time to  deal with Malik Zubair instead.

He packed his bags, preparing to leave. However, Meerab's behavior only added to his heartbreak. She didn't even ask him where he was going or if something was wrong. Murtasim had believed they were growing more comfortable with each other, but unfortunately, he was mistaken. Her lack of concern as he packed and her continuous focus on her phone hit him hard. It seemed like he was the only one putting in effort to make their marriage work, and this realization stung deeply.

Just as he was processing this, his mother entered the room and inquired, "Murtasim, are you leaving already?"

"Yes, maa. I have to leave right away," Murtasim replied, his gaze shifting towards Meerab, hoping for some sort of reaction from her. However, nothing happened.

"Meerab, you should go with him as well." Maa Begum, suggested looking over to Meerab who was sitting on the sofa, busy on her phone.

Murtasim tried to intervene, saying, "No, it's alright. I'll go by myself."

Maa Begum persisted, "I'm always worried about you when you go to the gaon, but now that you have a wife, you should let her accompany you."

Murtasim attempted to voice his concerns, but Maa Begum interrupted firmly, "No 'buts,' Murtasim. Who knows when you'll come back. It's better to take her with you."

Before Murtasim could react, Meerab spoke up, "I'll go."

Murtasim glanced at Meerab, a mix of emotions crossing his face. He had assumed she would be happy about him leaving, but now that his mother was insisting she accompany him, he feared she might feel burdened.


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